Paramedical Interrogation

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"No, I definitely did not like the feeling of deja vu. That was not fun. Especially since I had to sit in there for almost two hours!" Erin stated.

"Calm down, Erin. The officers didn't mean to, they saw a gun, they didn't think. It's all fine." Burgess comforted, walking her to her apartment.

"Yeah." Erin replied. The walked up to the apartment's door and Erin put her key in to unlock it. As she turned the knob, Erin grabbed the wall, shut her eyes, and furrowed her brow.

"Are you okay?" Burgess asked.

"Yeah, it's just I've been getting really dizzy lately. Everything's fine though. Nothing a good night's sleep can't fix."

"Hey, talk to Jay, tell him you forgive him. You'll sleep better if he's next to you."

"I know," they started walking in.

"It's better to say you forgive him and then forgive him later on than to let it split your relationship apart and never talk again."

"I don't want to lie to him though. What should I do?"

"Tell him that you're willing to look past what he said, you're willing to think about his opinion and you're willing to have a completely open, honest relationship." Burgess stated, opening the fridge to grab a beer. "Erin?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just... I'm gonna go lay down."

"Is everything okay?"

"Besides the fact that I can't tell where I'm going because it's spinning, yeah. Everything's just peachy." Erin said, stumbling and falling onto the couch.

"You rest, I'm gonna call Gabby Dawson and see if she can come over," Burgess stated.

Gabby arrived and knocked on the door.

"Hey, come in. Yeah, she's over here. She says she keeps gettin' dizzy and she's sweatin' like a pig." Burgess stated.

"How long have you been getting spells of dizziness?" Gabby asked.

"Just today. When I was at the drug store." Erin stated through breaths.

"What have had today? Alcohol wise, drug wise... anything wise. Did you eat?"

"I didn't eat and I had one beer before I went to the drug store. I haven't taken any sort of drug. I was in a car accident but that was after my first dizzy spell..."

"How are you feeling? Do you feel sick?"

"I mean I have that feeling like I'm gonna throw up but I never do." Erin states.

"This is gonna sound like I'm over stepping but how much sex have you had lately?"

"None, Jay and I are taking some time apart."

"When was last time you had sex, though."

"I don't know at least a month and a half. Maybe 2. I'm not good with dates." Erin answered.

"Have you been struck really hard in the head recently?"

"No, I don't think."

"What about diet? Have you been eating properly?"

"If you mean do I eat food, yes. I do." Erin stated.

"You were shot before, right?"

"Yeah, but that should be long healed by now."

"I think I may know the problem. You stay here, I'll be back in like ten minutes."

"Um... okay...?" Erin responded.

"Erin, I'm have to head home now, but I'll give you a call, let me know what's going on?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks." Burgess replied.

Erin leaned back and closed her eyes.

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