time for buissnes

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 Upon their release it didn't take long for the club to see all the changes that took place while they were locked away in the pin. Victoria took control to the best of her ability, she protected their brother,  handled their unfinished deals herself, and  single handedly kept the club afloat. This all on its own caused Clay to gain a newfound respect for  the girl, a girl who could handle a club she wasn't even apart of and keep it going. The real shocker to the club that Gemma had gone M.I.A right after they were locked up, leaving her family, home, and grandson for someone else to handle. That left poor Tera overwhelmed taking care of Jax's son Abel, struggling with work, and the club all of a sudden for three months.

Then there was agent Stahl who still kept sticking her nose into their business making the clubs new found freedom  harder to enjoy.  Clay had sent Tig out a week ago to retrieve Gemma and bring her home safely, while Juice had the job of tracking Victoria down only to come up with nothing. It began to look like the girl had fallen off of the face of the planet. This also didn't help the fact that happy was a ticking time bomb.

Seven months in the pin can really build up your sexual frustration, and Happy's was at a dangerous level. With each passing day his blood lust and ruthlessness grew and came off of him in waves. If there was one thing that described Happy it would be fiercely loyal, or over protective. That is the only thing keeping him from hunting down a sweetbutt  right then and there to release his frustrations. Opie was still a raging ball of anger due to Donna's death just before their prison sentence adding on the hostile environment around T.M.

Clay being the president had, had enough of the constant anger and uneasiness of his brothers and called for Church. As soon as those heavy oak doors were closed it was time for business.

PSA: sorry for the long awaited update my loves. Sadly this is only a filler chapter, honestly I thought I published this a few weeks back obviously that didn't happen so my bad guys. There is another chapter in the works and it's coming before to long so hang in there with me. Still really sorry on the lack of updates.

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