Seventeen ♡

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"You look stunning." Andy cooed gently in my ear as he held the door open for me. I felt my cheeks heat up. I walked in through the large glass door and felt his cold arm link with mine.

"Reservation for Biersack." Andy said. His voice was so smooth when he spoke, unlike the rough one he spoke with in the morning. This voice held so much intelligence and patience while his morning voice was very slurred and almost irritated, just like any morning voice.

"Follow me." The young girl said. She was in our grade— her name was Katherine Bellows. She was your typical blonde stereotype with D cups to flaunt and nothing in the head. She was quite clueless and oblivious, however she never gave me trouble. She set the menus across from one another and motioned for us to sit down before walking back to her front post.

Andy pulled out the chair and smiled. I nodded my head in thanks as I sat down and he sat across from me. The restaurant lights were dimmed down, and the only true light was the faint glow from the small orange flame centered at each of the tables. The orange glow illuminated his white, porcelain skin and showed his soft features.

Andy's blue eyes studied me. His lips curved up into a gentle smile, and I felt my cheeks go red. I fiddled with my thumbs. "What? Is there something on my face?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm just admiring your shining beauty." He murmured gently. Andy then reached across the table and grasped my hand. He rubbed his thumb gently against the back of my hand, and I giggled lightly. He placed a small kiss before letting my hand go.

Our waiter came to our table and I glanced up at him quickly. Taking a double take, I found my eyes admiring him longer than I hoped. He had a very built body with short, gelled up blonde hair that sat on top of his head. He flashed me a smile, showing off his bright white teeth as he asked what we wanted to drink.

Mike was his name. He scribbled down on his notepad and disappeared into the dim restaurant. I was still staring at where I had last seen him until Andy pulled me from my thoughts. I turned back to him and his lips were in a firm line as he rolled his eyes, scoffing lightly.

"What?" I whined.

"Girls are so greedy." Andy muttered.

"Oh come on, you know I like you and only you. I wouldn't cheat." I laughed. I reached over the table and grabbed his hand, giving it a light squeeze as I offered a smile. He looked over at me, eyes narrowed, as he pursed his lips. He was about to speak when Mike came back, setting down both of our waters.

"What can I get for you two?" He asked.

"A new server." Andy muttered under his breath, however Mike didn't seem to hear. I rolled my eyes at Andy and told him my order. Mike glanced at Andy who was already glaring at him and said his order, his voice fairly flat. Our server then took our menus and disappeared once again.

As he left, I looked back at Andy who stared at me with a smirk. "When he comes back would you like to grab the plates or his muscles?"

"Both." I joked.

Andy laughed. "Alright if you grab his muscles I'll grab him by the neck and shove him out the window. Sound fair?" Andy asked sarcastically as he scrunched his nose a bit. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic nonsense and drummed my fingers lightly against the table. Andy's pale finger traced along the elegant patterns that were etched into the soft table cloth.

"Are you seriously jealous?" I asked.

Andy shook his head. "No."

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