Thirty Seven ♡

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"Would you like anything to drink? I have soda and iced tea." Amy, Andy's mother, said as she walked into the kitchen. We both sat at the kitchen table and my eyes trailed along the walls looking at the details.

"Uh— water please." I said.

I glanced over at her and watched her grab a glass from the cabinet. She was about to grab another glass but paused. Hesitantly, Amy looked at Andy who was looking at the kitchen table not saying a word. "Andy would you like anything? I don't— I mean— I don't have—"

"Water is fine, mom." Andy cut her off.

She nodded her head and grabbed another glass. Amy had told us that Chris was at work and apologized for his absence. She was mainly speaking to both of us and seemed to avoid directly speaking or looking at Andy up until now.

Amy brought over the glasses and set them down before walking over to the other end of the table. She sat down and looked at both of us, watching as we took a sip of water.

"So— uh, how— how have you been?" She asked, her tone very nervous. Andy set down the glass and swallowed hard before opening up his mouth to speak.

"I've been fine. How are you?" He said calmly.

"I'm— well, we've been okay." She said, giving a half smile as she fiddled with her thumbs. Amy bit her lip nervously as she looked down at the table. Andy glanced at me and arched a brow as he narrowed his eyes.

I broke the silence. "Hi I'm sorry. I never properly introduced myself. I'm Snow. It's nice to meet you!" I said, extending a hand out. Amy looked at me and gave a smile as she shook my hand.

"Hi I'm Amy." She said gently.

"So are you Andy's friend?" She asked me, glancing over at Andy. Andy and I both looked at each other and I looked back at her, offering a smile as I told her, "Well, we're more than friends. We're together."

Her eyes went wide. "Oh! Like— dating?"

I nodded my head. "Yes ma'am."

"Oh well congratulations! I'm happy for the two of you." Amy said, smiling at both of us. Andy offered a half smile and looked back at the table, staying silent. "So— I mean— Andy."

Andy looked up. "Huh?"

"Does she— does she know? About the—" I felt like it was hard for Amy to talk about all of this. The words just couldn't come out for her whenever she referred to Andy's other side so to speak. Quickly I nodded my head. "Yes I do."

"Oh that's good. Does it— does it both—?"

Amy was cut off as the front door swung open. We all turned and saw a tall man whom I assumed to be Chris, Andy's father, standing in the door way. He shook off his coat and tossed it into the closet. "Hi honey. Sorry I'm late. I was held up a bit at—"

Chris paused as he walked in, his eyes laying themselves on Andy. They completely skipped over me and were fixed on him. Andy still held a firm line with his lips however his fists were now clenched as he looked at him.

"Oh— hi Andy." He said awkwardly.

Andy nodded his head and turned back to his mom who was glancing between her son and her husband. She gave a hesitant smile as she patted the other seat at the kitchen table, telling him to sit down.

There was now not only an awkwardness sitting in the air— but also tension? Andy seemed to be more angry at his father than his mother. I studied his body language towards his father and it was very stiff. His facial features were sharp as he clenched his jaw tight with anger. Why was he so angry?

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