Twenty Nine ♡

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I was running in the dark, the only light coming from the streetlights. I looked back over my shoulder— they were close behind.

"Come on Snow. Stop fighting." They all called out after me. Panic had completely washed over me at this point. Sweat dripped down from my face as I continued to sprint.

I felt as if this road was never ending. I looked over again and found an empty street with no one in sight. Confused, I turned back forward and screamed as he grabbed me by the neck. Lifting me up high, I watched his grin grow wide, showing his sharp four fangs.

"Good. Now kill her." Jason sneered, clamping a hand on his shoulder. He nodded his head, his black eyes boring into mine.

"Hi Snow." He growled.

I shut my eyes. "Hi Andrew."

I woke up with a start, shooting straight up out of bed. My hands clutched the sheets as I regained my breath. I glanced over and saw Andrew slumped on the bed, his hand right where my body once was. His mouth hung open slightly and his fangs poked out just a bit.

I ran my fingers through my long dark hair and let out a long sigh. My heart was racing. Slowly I swung my legs off of the bed and stood up, stumbling a bit as the stinging returned in my right ankle. I dragged my right foot along as I walked into the hallway, shutting the door quietly behind me.

I slowly made my way down the stairs and dragged myself into the kitchen. The bright lights forced me to cover my eyes for a moment before reopening them and letting them adjust. The blurred vision of three guys finally came into clearer view, and I saw three of the four roommates sitting around the table.

"Good morning." Jake said, chuckling.

"Nice bed head." Jinx snickered. I rolled my eyes and combed my hair with my fingers before making my way to the table. I slowly say myself down at the table and watched as CC devoured a bowl of cereal. I laughed.

I looked at all three of them. I haven't seen them in their human forms, and they all looked way different. I mean they had the same features, but I guess everyone looks a bit more different in their beast form.

"How was your night?" Jake asked me.

"Oh great." I said sarcastically.

"Why were you with Andrew?" CC asked.

Both Jinxx and Jake looked at him with wide eyes and quickly turned to me. They asked me the same exact question except theirs was much more of a worried tone.

"Andy got mad last night and Andrew came out of nowhere. It was— a very interesting night I guess one would say." I said slowly, emphasizing the word interesting. They all stared at me in shock, and I arched a brow, curious as to why they were this shocked.

"I'm surprised you're alive." Jake said bluntly as he leaned back in his chair again. Jinxx and CC both nodded their heads simultaneously.

"Andy wouldn't kill me." I assured them.

"But Andrew would." CC pointed out.

"No— I mean, well yeah— he almost killed me last night when he chased me." Memories of those moments came up in my head. That was the fastest and hardest my heart had ever raced. I was never so afraid for my life than I was in that very moment. "But Andy would never kill me. He cares about me."

"Andrew doesn't care." Jinxx pointed out.

"Actually— he does." I said slowly.

That's when I had to go into a quick story of what happened last night. Starting from Andrew coming out to the chase, and then finally finishing with the little kiss he gave me. By then all of their eyes were wide with surprise and they glanced at one another.

Beastly || Andy Biersackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن