Twenty One ♡

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"Andy you lost your touch." His friends teased as they nudged his arm. Andy rested himself on the pool stick as he studied the pool table. He gave a sideways glance to his friend and growled angrily before turning back to me.

"I did not." He grumbled.

"You're right. You just always sucked." I said in a teasing tone. I winked at him and he rolled his eyes. He leaned down again, lining the end of the stick in the middle of the white ball. The stick hovered gently over the green table, and he pulled back before pushing forward harshly.

The ball collided with the purple striped and sent it all around the table, however it didn't sink. Andy pulled back and growled angrily.

"You want to play again?" I asked him.

Andy shot me a glare and shook his head slowly, cracking a small smile as he looked away in utter embarrassment. His friends all chuckled around us as they cleared the table before setting up another game. I handed my stick off to someone else as did Andy.

Weaving in and out of the crowd, I watched as a young girl emerged. I had to do a double take. She was the only other human here which surprised me very much, as I thought I would be the only one. She was my height with long, red hair that ran all the way down her back.

"This is Rosy." Andy explained. The girl, Rosy, came close in and gave Andy a hug before pulling back in front of me. "She's Kris's sister, which is why she works here."

"But she's human?" I asked.

"He wasn't born this way." Andy said loudly over the music. I had forgotten that Andy was not born this way either, however I was curious as to how you can tell the difference between those who were and weren't. Someone had to of been born like this to start it all.

"Would you like a shot?" Rosy asked.

"I— Uh, I don't know." I said hesitantly, thinking about how I would have to drive home. Andy slid an arm around my waist and looked down at me, smiling as he said, "Don't worry babe, I'll take us both home."

I arched a brow. "How?"

He gave me the "You know" look and I felt very stupid for asking the question in the first place. He took a glass for himself and handed me one. I gave him a sheepish smile and he took the shot quickly, looking back at me.

"If you don't like liquor, we can always get you a fruity cocktail or something." Andy cooed in my ear with a smug smile. I heard his friend's chuckle behind him, and I narrowed my eyes at him angrily. I took the shot quickly, feeling the burning whiskey trail down my throat. I set the glass down and took two more, taking them one after the other without a pause in between.

I set the empty glasses down and looked at him with an arched brow. Andy's eyes were wide with surprise and his friends chattered quietly as they watched. "Do you want a fruity cocktail?"

"Oh shit! No ones ever outdrank Andy." One of them said loudly over the music. The crowd joined in with their own input and Andy shot them glares.

Andy's eyes directed back at me and he gave me a long, cold stare with a smirk. He leaned in close and brushed his lips against mine. It was a brief kiss yet it still gave me butterflies. Andy then pulled away and took another glass from the tray, drinking it instantly. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"No one outdrinks me." Andy chuckled.

"We'll have to see about that." I shot back.

"Is that a challenge I'm hearing?" He asked me with a quick smirk. I nodded my head, shooting a smirk back at him. We each took another shot, our faces scurrying in the slightest before taking another. This was going to be quite an interesting night.

I stumbled up the front steps to my door. I paused for a brief second, clutching my stomach as I felt an uneasy feeling, but soon managed to open my door. I walked inside with Andy stumbling behind me— he could walk straighter than me, so he was a bit more sober than I was.

"C-Close the door." I murmured. Andy slammed it shut and I quickly turned around, shining my phone flashlight on him. "Are you trying to wake my neighbors?" I hissed at him quietly, and he gave me a sheepish smile.

I rolled my eyes and turned on the lights. I shut them tightly for a brief moment before reopening, letting them adjust to the brightness. Andy covered his eyes as well and groaned angrily as he shook his head.

"So damn bright." He groaned.

"Come on— let's go to bed." I slurred.

I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. My feet were tripping over one another however Andy caught me before I face planted onto the floor. Andy grabbed me and heaved me up onto his back, letting me wrap my legs around him as he stumbled into my room. Turning on the lights, he tossed me onto the bed. It was very light and gentle however to me it felt like the world was spinning circles.

Andy pulled off his shirt up over his head, revealing his pale chest. His tattooed arms were so intriguing to me— they were a form of art that I couldn't pull my eyes away from. Along with that were the black veins running all along his boy, and even though he hated them, I thought they were beautiful.

"Can I borrow a— shirt?" Andy slurred.

I pouted. "No. Stay shirtless."

"I don't like my— " He started however I got on my knees and pressed my finger against his lips, shushing him. Andy stopped talking and looked into my eyes. "You're per—fect Andy."

Andy gave me a soft smile but said nothing. He said nothing, however his eyes said it all. He glanced at his shirt on the floor and I tilted his chin to look back at me. I brought his lips to mine and gave him a soft, sloppy kiss.

He chuckled as my body lost balance and I started to fall forward. Andy quickly caught me and pushed me back onto the bed, watching me laugh like an idiot. My body felt so light and I felt like the world around me was a blur.

"Come on, you need rest." Andy murmured.

"No." I pouted.

Andy nodded his head as he undid the sheets on my bed. I scrambled underneath the covers and felt the warmth enclose my body, giving me a sense of relief. I let out a long yawn. Andy turned off the lights and shuffled through the dark to the bed.

Andy slid in beside me and pulled me close, holding me against him. His large body cradled me ever so gently, and I felt so safe within his arms. I let out another yawn and nestled my face in his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and murmured a sweet goodnight before letting out a short yawn.

I felt myself drift away slowly into a deep sleep, however there was something I wanted to say. Maybe I didn't want to say it, but the phrase blurted out ever so gently, and as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt myself begin to panic.

"I love you Andy."

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