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Gerard pulled me to the car and told the guys we were going out to eat. We climbed in and I looked in the side mirror. "I look like shit," I muttered. "You look beautiful," Gee said smiling. I blushed and smirked. He reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out a few wet wipes. He handed me one and took the other one. He wiped his makeup off then threw the wipe in the cup holder. I wiped off any blood on me and put my wipe In the same cup holder. He began to drive.

"So what do YOU wanna eat?" Gerard asked. "I'm not that picky so I'll let you pick," I said. "I'm not picky either you pick," He replied. "You pick," I said. "No you pick," He said. "Fine how about....Buffalo Wild Wings?" "Sounds good," He replied. "Very," I reached towards the radio and took the auxiliary cord and shoved it in my phone. I went to my music and flipped through my music.

I started eyeing a few songs then tapped on You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by MCR. The music started and I sung along. Gerard laughed and sung with me. I raised my hands into the air and rocked out. Gee chuckled began screaming along. When the song ended my Iron Maiden playlist started playing. Gerard looked at me. "The fact that this is on your phone blasted my happy level over 9000," He said.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Iron Maiden is awesome though," I said. "Very," He agreed. My phone vibrated on my leg and I grabbed. I quickly put in my password. I checked my text messages.

Dad Dearest (y'know king): Hey! When ya gonna come visit me mom?
Y/N: Not rn. Maybe next week?
Dad Dearest (y'know king): How bout Wedesday? Tre and Mike will be over! They miss you y'know?
Y/N: Yeah Yeah I know. Wednesday works. Gtg ttyl!
Dad Dearest (y'know king): Kay! See you then! ❤

I put my phone down and and continued rocking out with Gee. "Who was that?" He asked. God....what a nib nose. "My dad," I answered. He nodded. I see Buffalo wild wings aaaahhhh! So hungry must digest yummy food. WIIINGS!!! Gerard busted out laughing. "I said that out loud?" "Yes you did and I loved it," He chuckled. He pulled into the half empty parking lot and turned off the car. He got out and walked to my side.

"Malady," He said opening my door. "Such a gentleman," I said getting out. He closed the door and walked with me to the door. He opened all the doors for me then we walked to the person at the front desk. "Table for two please at the bar," Gerard said. The dude nodded then led us to the bar. We sat down then I grabbed my menu.

"Dare you to get Blazin' wings," Gerard said looking over my menu. "Fine but you gotta get them to," I said putting my menu down.
He sighed then laid his head on the table. "Ok," He moaned. "Other then the wings I'll get a Beer, fries, and some chicken tenders with barbeque sauce," I said. "I'll get the same," He said putting his menu on mine. The waiter came over with a piece of paper. "Hey! What would you like to drink and do ya want any appetizers?" He asked while licking his lips and staring at me.

"I want a Beer and I think we could go with the tortilla chips and spinach sauce," I said. (I know it sounds gross but that stuff is fucking A great) He nodded then looked at Gerard. "I want beer aswell," He said. "Coming right up," The waiter said touching my shoulder when he walked away. I turned my head towards Gerard slowly and he was fuming. Face red and everything. I grabbed one of those little sanitary wipes and wiped my shoulder off. I gagged. "He is so thirsty," I muttered. "Overly," Gerard said. I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a notification on Wattpad. I turned my phone towards me so that Gee couldn't see it.

YES! Zero_Effort updated their story. (Yes, actual person check them out <3) I clicked on it and read it.

When I finished the story the waiter dropped off our drinks and our appetizer. "You guys ready to order?" He asked. "Go ahead babe," Gerard said grabbing my hand visibly on the table. Oooooooh he's jelly.

"Ummmm The Blazin wings, chicken tenders and fries," I quickly said blushing. "I want the same but give us a few things of BBQ," Gerard said. The waiter was pale as he swiftly took our order and rushed for the kitchen. "Jealous?" I asked motioning towards our hands that were still latched together like glue. "Oh um sorry about that," He said blushing and pulling his hand away.

I chuckled. "Your hand is really warm," I said sipping my beer. "Thanks?" Gerard said questionably. I smiled at him and ate a chip. He also ate a chip as we continued out date.

Time Skip ♡♡♡♡♡♡

That was perfect. The food mostly. And the date part was beyond extraordinary. Me and Gerard walked out of the building and he pulled me aside. "Look! We should go to the park," He said pointing to a small park that was full of nature yet not full of children at play. "Yeeeeesssss," I agreed. He pulled me over by my hand and began running towards the tiny park.

I know it sounds cheesy and corny but every time he touches me it feels like I explode. Yikes that is REALLY cheesy. I'm emotional minus the tional so give me a break. I chuckled slightly. Gerard looked back at me raising an eyebrow at me.

I raised an eyebrow right back at him. He rolled his eyes then said, "If you get on the swing I'll push ya," I sprinted to the swing then sat down on it. He began pushing me. "I just noticed that you are wearing a suit," I said. He looked down at himself. "Woops," He said. I chuckled then jumped off the swing on purpose. Big mistake....

I crashed against the ground roughly. I moaned and starfished. "HOLY SHIT ARE YOU OK?! HOLY FUCK!" Gerard screamed running towards me. He dropped next to me.
"That hurt," I said smiling. He chuckled. "Probably did here I'll help you up you klutz," He said holding his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I bumped into him but still stood. "Sorry," He said guilt striking his face. "It's not your fault I jumped on purpose," I said wrapping an arm around him. "I know I'm just sorry for this," He said.

"Sorry for wh-?" He began tickling me and I fell to the ground again. I laughed as his hands attacked my side's and my neck. I snuck out from under him and ran towards a tree. I climbed up the tree and sat on a fat branch. I looked down and saw Gerard climbing up. I patted next to me and he sat down with me.

     "You just had to tickle me," I said smiling and resting my head on his shoulder. "Yeah I did," He said chuckling. I hummed and smiled at him. "Would you rather eat a dead spider or a live snail," He asked. "A live snail I can't do spiders," I gagged. He chuckled. We sat in silence a bit longer. "Sooo..." We said at the same time. "You first," I chuckled. "Ladies first," He said bumping me. "When are you guys leaving? I think I forgot to ask," I asked.

                  "Honestly no idea," He answered sighing. "Great! That means you guys can stay for a long long time," I said hugging him. He chuckled a bit, "Yeah" I stared at the park and noticed a kid with her mom. My mom was never really there for me. My dad was really the only one there for me. Now he's married to a new chick so we don't really hang out together. He tries to get me to call her mom but...I can't.

           I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I quickly rubbed it away. "Are you okay?" Gerard asked staring into my eyes. "I'm find just remembering, I don't want to talk about it," I smiled weakly. He sighed then wrapped his arm around me. "We better go back and get the guys, we will stay at a hotel tonight, spare you the stress c'mon," He said jumping down and holding his hands out to me.

                        Time skip

           "Thanks for the ride guys I'll see ya later, If you need me just call," I said waving goodbye. They all waved then driver off. I quickly ran up the stairs and to my apartment. I walked in, locked the door, then put on pajamas and went to bed.


        Sorry it took me a bit longer to update. School is being a bitch. XD

Ask me any questions if you must.

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