King's Island

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                 I was in the middle of Keira, Gerard and Mikey. Me and Mikey had to share a seat so there was enough room. Bob, Frank, and Ray sat in the front because this car had one of those weird things that you pull down and it makes a seat. You get my point.

                "Ow," I groaned as my side pressed against the buckle to a seatbelt. "Can y'all make at least a little room for my fat ass?" I asked.

                "Fat ass, Tiny body," Gerard laughed scooting over a bit. "Ha Ha very funny, you weirdo you be looking at my butt, " I rolled my eyes.

                 "Guilty," Everyone in the car said. "Oh cmon, no one on my side?" Gerard whined. I chuckled.


               "Wait shut up what's that?" Everyone got quiet. Then I saw a little speck of yellow and black. Oh no... "BEE!" Frank yelled ducking down. I screamed and leaned over Mikey to open the window.

                 "GO HOME TO YOUR QUEEN BEE!" I yiped as it flew out the open window. "My hero," Keira chuckled. "You guys are gonna make us crash," Ray laughed. Ray is driving btw.

                  I forced all thoughts of my dad crashing out of my head. I laughed a fake laugh then shook my head. "You shoulda killed it Y/n," Frank said.

                  "Bro... I wasn't gonna touch that thing with a ten foot pole," I groaned making a gagging motion.

                     "Hey we're here!" Keira yelled happily. Everyone looked out a window. "Hells yeah," I smiled.

                      Ray quickly found a parking spot and we all ran through the gates to get our things.

                   "Here I'll pay for fast passes so we don't have to wait forever," Gerard said grabbing his wallet. I did a victory fist to the air.

              Turning that 20 minutes to 5 minutes. With the passes. Gerard handed us the passes and they all had our names on it. "That's not how my names spelled,  did they not pass 5th grade?" Keira chuckled.

                I looked at her pass and had to stop myself from laughing out loud. They spelled it Keera. "Guess they didn't, " I smiled. "Hey let's go on the drop tower!" Frank yelled jumping like a six year old on Christmas.

                We all nodded with agreement and ran to the fast pass line. At this moment I realized the major fear of heights I had. This thing was like a billion feet tall no joke!

                  "Next!" A bored voice called.
Shit.... It's our time to get on. We all climbed on in order to left to right it went. Bob, Ray, Mikey, Gerard, Me, Keira, and Frank. We started lifting up. "Oh hell no, oh my god, Lord holy Jesus help me, I'm gonna die, how much higher, put me outta my
misery," I muttered clutching the side if the seats. Everyone started laughing at me.
                  "Would you like me to hold your hand child?" Keira asked chuckling. "Yesssss," I whined clutching her hand. I felt another hand grab my right hand. I looked over on both sides and everyone was holding hands. Except I noticed me and Gerards fingers were interlocked instead of everyone else just simply holding hands.

                         I was gonna say something sarcastic to Gee but we were at the top and I quickly changed my mind.

           You are now at the tippy top! You are currently 300 feet above ground. On your way down there will be a flash! But don't worry we are only taking your picture. Which you may receive at the photo booth. Good luck!

                    Soft music began playing. "I'm gonna piss my pants," I groaned. Then I felt a shift. I screamed automatically. We haven't even freaking fallen yet. "They were loosening us up Y/n, " Frank laughed. Then we fell completely. I screamed the whole way down. It felt like forever before we got to the ground.

                    When we were down the secure thingys raised and I hopped out. "That was terrifying but fun," I breathed heavily.

                   "We should check out the photos," Bob said. We all nodded in agreement then headed to the photo booth.

                 We looked at the tiny screens then I found it. "There we are" I smiled pointing to our picture.
Its a dollar per copy. I secretly rummaged for money in my wallet while the others looked at it. I put seven dollars on the counter. "Seven copies of picture 19A please," I said. They gave me the pictures and took my money.

                     "Here," I smiled handing everyone a copy while keeping one to myself. "Aww you didn't have to do that," Keira smiled. "I wanted to," "No seriously I'm working a double chin in this pic,"

                      I laughed then looked at the photo. Everyone in the photo wasn't holding hands anymore except... Gerard and me. I looked at Keira in the picture and she really did make a double chin.

                      Keira pointed at me and Gerards hands. "Gerard and Y/n sitting in a tree K- " "Shut up hoe," I sassed. Everyone was laughing. I saw a pink tint on Gerards cheeks. "We should all get matching shirts in that shop so we look stupid," Frank said pointing to a gift shop.

                       "You're buying," Mikey said turning his pockets inside out. "I don't care," Frank said basically dragging all of us to the shop. (He got spider arms?) 

                        We stopped at the door. "Stay," He said talking to us like dogs.
Then he disappeared in the clothing aisle.

                     After almost ten minutes he came back with a bag of shirts that all looked the same. "Go get changed in a bathroom or something, then put your current shirt in the bag," Frank said running off with his shirt. I grabbed mine to get changed.

       Yup pretty stupid.... But funny!

             Seven idiots walking around wearing this will be amazing

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             Seven idiots walking around wearing this will be amazing. I walked out of the bathroom. I guess I'm slow because everyone was wearing theirs already. I'm happy I have concealer and foundation on my scars...

                   I shoved my shirt and jacket into the bag that Frank held out. "We look dumb," Ray whined. "I think that was the point," Mikey chuckled. "This was the best you could do huh?" I asked Frank poking his shoulder. "Cmon you know me, The most basic ass alive," He chuckled.

                    "You're right you do have a pretty flat ass," I said. "At least I know it's pretty now," He laughed. "No your mom made it flat after all those spankings," I smirked. "Dick move," Frank said shoving my shoulder. "I ain't gotta dick," I shoved him back. "You have an inside out dick," He sassed. "Yeah so do you," I laughed.

                   "Can we ride a ride now?" Gerard asked with crossed arms. "Yeah sure little Mr. grumpy gills," I joked poking his nose. It scrunched up adorably. We headed toward the next ride.


yay I'm sick so I can write mooore

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