King's Island Part Two

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Watch the whole video I died 😂😂

Time skip

"It's Seven o'clock we gotta head back soon so that I can pack up to leave tomorrow," Keira sighed. "Ok.... One more ride?" I pouted. "Sure!"

"We should do a water ride to finish it off," Frank said pointing to the huge water ride. "Yes please," I smiled. We ran to the water ride.

Surprisingly it was only like 2 minutes and then we were aloud on.
And we all sat in a circle then we were headed off. We went up a hill slowly. "Hills are always bad news," I laughed. "Yeah even worse for us I just realized we're wearing white shirts," Keira laughed. Oh shit my makeup is gonna come off my arms.... I'll just... Face them away from them?

"Does that mean we get a free boob show?" Frank chuckled. "Jokes on you I'm wearing a tank top under this" Keira flipped her hair. "Uhhhhhh I'm wearing a bra," I muttered. "Oh rest in piece," Keira said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I laid my arms down on my legs and we fell over the hill. We landed into the water and it flew all over us... Wait. Ok I'm a dumbass I used waterproof makeup. I let my arms move off of my legs. "Why is it so cooold?" Mikey groaned.

"Because your covered in the most water," Gerard chuckled. Then I noticed a water fall that I was closest to. "Noooooooo!" I yelled as I got soaked. Everyone started laughing at me. "Now I know how you feel Mikey," I shivered. Keira wrapped her arms around me. "Be warm!" She laughed. "Nuuuu I'm still cold," I whined. I felt another pair of arms wrap around me. "Warm yet?" Gerard asked with his arms wrapped around me.

"Now I got two blankets, " I flipped my hair. "Bet you he's only hugging you cause your showing off some red lace," Bob chuckled. I looked down. Yep white shirt karma..... "Off," I said shoving both of my blankets off.

"So close yet so far," Gerard sighed. "Thirsty Hoe," Keira pointed at Gerard. "When you sat on Santa's lap he said Ho Ho Ho on purpose," I teased Gerard. "Ouch my self esteem," He laughed putting his hand on his chest.

"Ugh dammit!" Frank yelled as a wave hit him. "Suffer!" I yelled. He flipped me off. Then we flopped in the water and we all got wet. "NO RAY YOUR PRECIOUS FRO!" Keira yelled.

                   "Leave my fro outta this," Ray laughed. I looked down and noticed Gerard had a poncho/ rain coat in his lap. I snatched it and wrapped it around me. "Hey!" Gerard whined trying to grab it.

                   "No!" I sighed in defeat as he grabbed it. "You're mean,"

                     "Am not,"

                       "Are to,"

                       "Am not,"

                        "Are to!"

                 "Being with you guys is a headache," Mikey shook his head. "I agree," Bob smirked. Everyone nodded.

                   "I thought me and Frank were more of the headache but okay," I laughed. "True" Frank smiled then we high fived. "Am I the rejected part of this conversation?" Keira asked.

                   "No," I smiled punching her arm playfully. She rolled her eyes. I felt the boat stop and we jolted. "Hope you enjoyed the ride," Workers said extending hands out to all of us. We all climbed out.

                      I crossed my arms over my chest to cover it. We then headed to the car.

                        I went to the trunk and slipped on my jacket. "Ready?" Ray asked climbing into the passengers seat. "Yup," I smiled climbing into the same spot as I was on our way here. AKA between Keira and Mikey.

              Lazy Time Skip

              Me and Keira walked toward my apartment as the guys drove off. "You should spend the night at my house," I smiled. "I should, after all it is your last night there," Keira agreed. She started walking toward the elevator. "Are you in a hurry to get to my place?" I asked. "Yes?" She questioned. "Then don't use the elevator," I chuckled starting up the stairs.

                      She looked at me weird then followed me up.

                      Thheeeen we finally arrived. I unlocked the door and she immediately ran to my TV. "You have a Wii?!" She yelled picking up Mario Kart. "I have an Xbox to but I had to pack it away," I chuckled.

                        "I don't care about your Xbox lets play Mario Kart!" She smiled shoving the CD in my Wii. "Geesus Okie Dokie," I chuckled grabbing two remotes. I threw one at her...

                   Time skip (bby)

                         "AGHH YOU SUCK! That's the 6th time you've won!" Keira yelled. "Don't be a sour loser," I smirked. She stuck her tongue out at me. "So are you excited to move in with Bae?" She asked. "What?".

                        "Bae as in Gerard," I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Yeah," I muttered. "Oooh let me be your maid of honor and invite me to the baby shower!" She yelled dramatically. "Yeah in your dreams," I rolled my eyes.

                         "Some dreams come true," She shrugged. I looked at my phone and my eyes widened. "It's 1 in the morning," I said yawning. "Fine sleepy baby go to sleep, I'll be in the guest room if you need me but I'm leaving in the morning at 8 am," She chuckled.

                           "Wake me up before you go if I'm asleep," I waved running to my room.




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