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         I groaned as I felt the sunlight hit my face. I sat up and stretched slightly. Hold up... IT'S MONDAY! I GOTTA HEAD TOWARDS CALIFORNIA! I shot out of bed them ran to my dresser.

             I grabbed my Green Day hoodie. (In honor of dad I guess hehe) I slipped it over my head then threw on some black and white striped leggings and black combat boots.

             I ran into the bathroom and brushed my hair out. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and munched it down quickly. I then walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I have no make up on so I look like shit but I quickly and SLOPPILY put smudgy eyeliner on my eyes.

            I grabbed a large backpack from my closet and put like five outfits in it. Then some other stuff... Like my brush, dental hygiene stuff, A few pairs of shoes, makeup, my swimsuit, and a uhh....yeah....ok....I'll shut up now.

              I threw the bag over my shoulder and grabbed a bottle of water. I exited my apartment then locked the door. I walked down the stairs then to my car. I got in then my my keys into the ignition.

               I turned the keys then the car hummed with life. I smirked then threw my backpack into the passenger seat. My phone started ringing and I looked at the ID. 

             It's Frank. I slid the accept button then put it on speaker. I slid my phone into the cup holder then said, "Hello?" I drove out of the parking lot and began driving. "Hey  Y/N! Wanna come chill with me and the guys?" Frank asked.
                "I can't man, I'm headed to California," I said. "Whaaaaaaaaattt? Whyyyyyyy?" He whined. "I'm visiting my dad," I replied. "I have a question," He said. "I have an answer," I sassed.  "Why have I never met your dad? I've only met your bitch of a mom," He asked.

                 "I dunno," I said. "I want to meet Mr. Armstrong someday Y/N Armstrong," He said. "Well you guys are welcome to go to Cali but no promises that you wont be suprised by who and how he is," I said. I heard him cheer in the background. "How many days will we need to pack for," He asked. "I packed 5 outfits," I said.

                   "OK can we just pick you up since we have just gotten a rental RV?" He asked. "Sureeeeeee," I sighed. I did a U turn quickly and began driving toward the parking lot.

                  Time Skippy #øne

               I saw a huge RV pull up and I gripped my water and bag tightly. Bob was driving. He waved me to get my butt into the RV. I ran up to the door and got in. "Hey Y/N put where we're going into the GPS," Bob said handing me a small GPS. I entered my dad's address into it and handed it back. He nodded at me and I opened the door leading to the main part.
               "WASSUP?!" I screamed. Everyone's head shot toward me. "WE ARE ABOUT TO PLAY JENGA!" Ray screamed, "WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN US?!" I threw my backpack on the ground and plopped next to it. "SURE!" I yelled. Frank chuckled a bit. Gerard was stacking the blocks carefully.

                   Frank nodded at Mikey then they both shoved the tower down. "Oh fuck you guys! Cmon!" Gerard whined. I laughed and high fived both of them. "Here if we do it together we'll get it done way quicker," Mikey said grabbing three blocks at a time. We began stacking it and finally we got it to the top.

             "I'll go first!" Frank yelled. "Kay," I said. He reached toward and poked a few blocks until he pulled one out. I felt at a few blocks before pulling one out.
                     Time Skippy #øne

                Its getting super tense now....Its my turn and there is not a lot of blocks left. I grabbed a block but as I pulled it out Frank yelled, "MESS UP!" It all fell over on my lap. "Frank I'll murder you!" I yelled punching his arm. He whined and rubbed his arm.

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