Freaking Finally

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Where's my phone? ITS NOT IN MY FUCKING POCKET UGH! "Frank call my phone," I said. "Suuure," He moaned pulling his phone out. He called me and- RING THE BITCH IS CALLING YOU RING RING PICK UP!

"That's my ringtone?!" Frank asked screaming. I nodded. "Asshole," He muttered. My head shot towards the sound of my phone and immediately I noticed Gerard had my phone. "Give me it," I said sticking my hand out.

"Why?" He asked. "I wanna know what time it is," I said whining.
He looked at my phone then smiled. "It's 7 am," I rolled my eyes then reached for it. He raised it above my head then chuckled. "It's gonna take a lot more then that to get it," He said. "I'll do anything it's my baby," I said laughing.

"You have to go on another date with me," He smirked. "Woulda said yes anyways but deal," I said. He handed me my phone and sat down on the couch with a smirk. Frank whistled then wrapped his arm around me. "Use protection," He whispered in my ear. I busted out laughing then I punched him playfully.

"Oh god what did he say?" Gerard asked. I shook my head still laughing and sat down next to him. "He said use protection," I whispered. "Will do," Gerard said smiling at
Frank. I smacked his arm and yelled, "GERARD!" He shrugged and I laughed. I looked out the window and noticed where we were. "WE'RE A TOWN AWAY OH MY GOD!" I screamed. I stood up and did a little victory dance. "What the heck?" A voice mumbled. I looked over and saw Mikey propped up on his elbows on a little mound of blankets.

"We are almost to my house we are like 10 minutes away," I sung. He chuckled then laid down again. I ran to the front and sat next to Ray. "Ray hurrry," I groaned. "I'm not in the mood for a speeding ticket," He laughed. "Let me drive then," I said.

"Fine but don't kill us," He said pulling over. "Why are we stopping?" Bob yelled. "I'm driving!" I yelled back. Ray got out of the drivers seat then went back to sit with the guys. I sat in the seat and called my dad then put it on speakerphone.

"Hello?" I began driving again. "Hey dad," "Oh hey! Why are you calling so early?" "I'm like 8 minutes away," "Sweet! I'll start getting ready," "Oh and can I bring a few friends?" "Errrrr who and how many?" "Do you know who My Chemical Romance is?"
"Haha yeah I pulled a prank on Gerard one time, scared the shut outta him," "Well that's them," He was silent for like a minute then.... "You're serious?" "Uh huh," "Of course they're welcome over," "Nicce," "Are Mikearoni and Cheesy Tré coming over?" "Yeah they are tomorrow," "Nice, well I guess I'll see you in a few," "Kay love ya," "Love you too see you in 7 minutes,"

I hung up then continued driving. "Can I sit up here you?" A hand rested on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Gerard smiling cheekily. "Sure!" I said. He sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window. "My dad says that you know eachother," I said. He raised an eyebrow at me then asked, "What's your dad's name?" I shrugged then smirked. "I don't know anyone with the last name L/N," He said. "He has a different last name then me I have my moms last name," He licked his lips then looked at me. "Green eyes, pretty short, you can play guitar I think, hot as fuck, ummm skinny? I don't know give me a clue," He said. I blushed.

"No clues aloud y'know," I said. Aaaaaand.....There was a clue! "Was that a clue?" He asked. "Pshht noooo," I said. "Hey we're in the neighborhood of the house!" I said happily. Gerard laughed then looked outside.

Timey Wimey skip

"Guys stay here Imma go knock on the door," I said. They nodded then I ran towards the huge houses door. I knocked and rung the doorbell a billion times. The door opened and my dad stood there smiling.

 The door opened and my dad stood there smiling

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"Heya dad," I said hugging him.
"Hello my little spawn of satan," He chuckled hugging back. I punched his arm playfully. "Give me a piggy back ride and take me to the rv so I can show you off," I demanded smiling. He sighed then bent over. I climbed on his back then he grunted loudly.

"Did you grow?" He asked. "Maybe," I chuckled. "To the Rv!" I yelled pointing to it. He ran towards it while wobbling back and forth. I knocked on the door multiple times and it opened. "Billie?!" Gerard screamed in disbelief. "Heyo Gerard," He smiled slyly. "He's your dad?" He asked me. I nodded.

Time skip because I'm to lazy to write how the introductions went.

Dad lead us into the house and we all sat in the living room. "Where's Adrienne?" I asked. "She's at her sisters," Dad said. I nodded. "So you're all staying?" He asked. They all nodded. "There are 4 extra rooms besides mine so two of ya are sleeping together," Everyone looked at me and Gerard. Dad raised an eyebrow. "I'm hungry I'm gonna go make me a sandwich," I said standing nervously then running to the kitchen.

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That took forever sorry :(

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