Meet Up

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I climbed out of my small pick up truck and stretched. I walked into the tiny park me and Keira used to hang out at as teens for that whole 4 months when dad l- When we were here for a few concerts. Right away I saw Keira waving at me from the bridge. I smiled and began jogging at her. We engulfed eachother in a bear hug. "Hey! Oh my god it's been like... Forever," She said with a huge toothy smile.

"We've not seen eachother in 6 years face to face, I counted," I chuckled. "Atleast we facetimed," She said shrugging. I lead her to a bench. I pat the seat next to me and we sat with eachother. "So how's life my little bundle of weirdness?" I asked smirking at her.

"Been okay, got a job at Dairy Queen in Utah," She said, "How about you I heard you went to the MCR concert in town, aaaand got backstage passes!" She yelled with excitement. "Hehe yeah... I saw them at Starbucks first though," I muttered loud enough for her to hear. "WHAT?!" She screamed. (in silence.... A sullen riot penetrating through her yeah okay I'll stop...)

"I'm so jealous did you talk to them?" Keira asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah I actually knew Frank when I went to New Jersey, I just thought the name and looks were a co-" "WHHHAATTTT?!" Keira screamed interrupted me. "I'm not finished," I chuckled.

after explaining everything

"WHATTTT?!" Keira screamed in my face for like the hundredth time. "Yeaaaaaah," I chuckled. "No fair," She sighed. "Wait when you gotta head home?" I asked. "Uh tomorrow morning," She said sadly. I felt my eyes widen. "Here go get us hot chocolate at Starbucks I need to do something," I muttered. I shoved six bucks into her hands.

Keira raised an eyebrow.
"Go," I said pointing towards the Starbucks across the street. "Yes mother," She said laughing. She stood up and started towards the best coffee place in the world. I pulled out my phone swiftly. I opened messages then began a group chat between me and the guys.

Y/n: Hey guys!
Frankieeeeee: Y/n! 😀
Fro man 😂: Jesus Christ! Where have you been?!
Moikey: Seriously it's been like... A week!
Geesus: Hey Y/n.
Y/n: Sorry.... I was at home in hiding. And yes I heard y'all banging on my door. I just didn't answer. Tough month.... At least I had coffee with Gee for a while earlier!
Fro man 😂: I understand.... You had coffee without us?!
Frankieeeeee: You're dead to me... 😭
Geesus: You guys are just jealous she's moving in with me! 😉
Moikey: Really?
Frankieeeeee: Use protection. 😉
Y/n:....... Are you 9?
Geesus: I already drink though anyways 😂😂😂😂
Moikey: Dude... You're gonna name your kid Mikey. Michelle if its a girl 😉😉
Frankieeeeee: Ok. Change of subject 😂 Why did you create a group chat
Y/n? You knew this would happen!
Y/n: I need you guys to meet me at the park asap. Hurry. Now.
Geesus: What? Whyyyyyy?
Bob's Burgers: Wait I was asleep what's going on?

Before I got to reply Keira appeared in front of me with two cups. "Here," She said handing me my hot chocolate. "Thanks," I said. "Who were you texting?" She asked smirking. "I was telling Tré congrats on his proposal," I lied. Should've used a better excuse... He makes me think of Dad... "Your eyes are watering honey boo boo," Keira sighed.

"Oh sorry," I muttered wiping my eyes. She nodded. "So do you have a job," She asked. "No.... I'm screwed, " I sighed. "Oh, well how did you get money for coffee?" I glared at her. "Right famous family,"

"Anyone special in your life?" I asked. "No, but sounds like in your fake story you're going after Gerards ass," She chuckled. "I wasn't joking!" I protested. She rolled her eyes. "I wasn't!" I sipped my drink. She sipped hers.

Th- Aaaand she just spit her drink on me... Ok. "Really?!" I screamed. "You weren't joking," She muttered. I raised my eyebrow then turned around. "FRANK!!" I screamed.

We ran toward eachother like some romance film then we hugged. "Ouch I feel rejected," Mikey chuckled. "Seriously," Ray laughed. "Sowwy," I smiled and hugged everyone else except Gerard. "Hey you didn't hug me," Gerard whined.

"You got your 'hug' earlier," I said adding quotes with my fingers. He cleared his throat then scratched his neck. I walked to Keira and I's bench.

"This is my friend Keira," I said pointing at her. "Hi," They all said at the same time. "H-Hi," She muttered holding in her inner fan girl. "So what I was thinking was that we should do something fun," I said,
"Any ideas?"

"There's that one amusement park a few towns away," Bob recommended. "Oh yeah! King's Island," I piped. "We'll go there, which car is bigger?" Gerard asked smirking. "Okay are you making fun of my car?" I asked crossing my arms. "Pfft no way," He said shrugging.

"Asshole," I said sticking my tongue out, "Go ahead and get to your guys' car I'll pull this weirdo along," I said waving them off. They headed toward their car. "How the hell were you keeping your cool?" I asked. Keira stood up.

"No clue, I almost fangirled to the max..." Keira shuddered. "Try not to embarass yourself," I chuckled.
"I'll try but no promises," She smiled.
"Okay let's go catch up," I said.

I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her toward the guys. "This is gonna be a helluva trip," I whispered in her ear. She chuckled. Then we all piled in the car to go to Kings Island.


I was gonna make it longer and update tomorrow but ISMYMOMPATRICKSLIMP
Scared me so....

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