Still waiting, Shaks

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I waited...

And waited...

And, I waited......

Still waiting.

My mum makes me go on this private bus called Shaks, don't ask me about that weird name cause I do not know. Anyway Mantus Shaks is a rich man, he bought busses and drivers and each bus brings its riders to a place or two, my mum is worried I'll get kidnapped...

Yes you read that right, she's freaking worried I'll get kidnapped.

I have no idea if she thinks I'm that stupid, but really? Kidnapped?


I told her I know how to defend myself and that I can walk to school without getting kidnapped , she asked me what I'd do if the people kidnapping me have a gun or/and are a group?.

Why would a group of kidnappers with guns approach a girl they've never known to kidnap her?

I have no idea ask my loving mother..

So I told her I'd kick them where the sun never shines, the best self defense trick when fighting a boy/man.

Poor Boys, they won't know What hit them.

I've heard it hurt like giving birth, Well us girls do have to go through our monthly periods/torture and give birth to a baby, but at least when giving birth we're achieving something... boys just fall in agony without getting anything in return.

*smiles evilly*

Ughhh, I got so off subject, again...

And my mum totally ignores it and puts me in in a private bus, and I'm forced to go.

The money she spent could've bought be so much stuff! But nooooooooo...

I unwillingly got up this morning and waited downstairs for the bus. The bus changes everyday, but I know it's mine because they all have 'Shaks' on the buses side in bright red letters, it reminds me of blood.

Yeah I know, how disturbing. I- I should just shut up..

I felt like I was waiting for this stupid bus forever and ever.

Never ever ever getting back together...

I listen too to much music..

So when sbus with Shaks in bright red letters stopped in my street I Immediately thought it was mine.

It was bigger today, maybe they ran out of small busses? They've been changing busses ally recently anyway, maybe this is the latest change.

So I got on, wondering slightly why everyone in the bus looked bigger than me.

The bus must have two stops today or something.. it happens.

I sat in a seat and waited looking out the window, watching the streets and checking to make sure I know where we are going just in case-HE PASSED MY SCHOOL I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING FISHY, OH MY GOD MAYBE IM REALLY GETTING KIDNAPPED NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO.

I just had a panic attack right Than and there and guess what my stupid self did?!





In short- I DID NOTHING.

I just sat there and panicked.

I'm such a idiot you don't have to even remind me.

What was a thirteen year old girl supposed to do when she rode the wrong bus who could be going to who knows where?

Oh god what if it goes to one of those fairway colleges! I could be roaming the streets for days!

And maybe I'll never get to go back home.. they can't search the whole country for me..!

When the bus was about to pass a shop I remembered I stood up in front of all these collage students.


Look collage people if a thirteen year old girl enters your bus and seats herself you should at least tell her it was heading to collage.


But they didn't give a damn thought about the fact a thirteen year old that entered their bus.

I walked up to a driver and told his to stop, the driver looked like a pervert, I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I can't help it.


He finally stopped the bus and I got off, let me fix that.. I got off so fast that my shoe fell of like I'm a modern day Cinderella.

I didn't know where I was, I HAD A FREAKING EXAM, I couldn't miss it my whole futures at stake, I'm panicking so much right now...

I don't remember the bus taking any turns so I headed straight back...

I going of yellow caught my eye and I looked around in surprise-I saw on of my schools buses and followed it hoping it will take me to my school my heart Beating incredibly fast.

I hope I slim down after running after my school bus all the way to my school.

Maybe if I slim down more.. F ME nows not the time to think bad thoughts! Shhhh me shhhh.

I talk to myself a lot.. maybe I am crazy.

Nothing new.

After a lot of sweat, running, worrying, hating that pervert... I end up at school.

I have never been happier too See school.

Actually I was never happy to see school.

I rushed to the bathroom and fixed myself up and went back to worrying about the rubbish exams

Stressful huh? Based on a true story- one that happened to me- today.




For a mention ❤️.

I love you guys to Neptune and back!

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