Bullied so young

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I hugged her tightly taking in her scent, a mixture of mint gum and flowers.

"France" I smile

"Emma" she beams

"Did you come here alone?" She asks me

I shake my head "no, the boys took me here"

"As in Chris,Felix and Aiden?"

"They have a "new member" which is misters son tommy"

She blinks confused "say what now?"

It dawns on my that she hasn't got any idea about my past, and I'd like to keep it that way.

"Tommy, he's my.. cousin!" I say

"You hesitated" she declares

Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t

"Come on, we'll be late!" I say grabbing her hands and pulling her out


To say I enjoyed that day was much more than an understatement, I had so much freaking fun... but what comes with fun you may ask, pain.

I close my eyes and hold back my tears.

It's like life decided to let me smile a bit before punishing me with this..

I groan and blink twice...

I hated getting bullied, but guess what? It's a rainy day I'm sitting in my room rocking out to some music in my unicorn onesie, causal rainy day, check. But what happens to ruin me?-

I feel a painful tingling sensation and I close my eyes tighter..

They just had to take me, my unicorn onesie is going to have shoe marks all over it and than coming up with an excuse for my brothers is going to be the end of me.

Goodbye oh so painful world.

I can't believe this much people hate me, there's like.. twenty heartless bullies here! I'm honored *holds back eye roll*

I can't fight twenty people at once plus there are these Girls filming everything, I'm going viral tonight.

"Sheesh, loosen your grip" I mutter feeling another wave of pain engulf me.

"Talk again and we burn you alive" Says a girl

"Your supposed to say We will or we'll honey, go back to school" i say hating her bad grammar

I feel a heavy blow of pain and I spit a mouth full of blood.

"B*tch" I glare at the person who hit me, it hurt! Not like the previous hits didn't hurt though just not as much..

What am I trying to achieve here?

"You hurt my heart enough today by gathering here and taking turns to hurt me physically, achievement to you heartless people isn't it? Hurting a not so innocent not so girly girl" I spit

My stomach rumbles in hunger and I glare at whoever catches my sight.

"If your going to continue beating me up you better get me some food" I yell causally expecting them to pass me some yummy pizza.

I'm not myself when I'm hungry.


"Is she normally this clueless and childish?" Asks a girl filming to one of the bullies I recognize from today

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