Not at all ready

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I took a deep breath but it felt more painful than refreshing.

My stomach aches with hunger and my eyes where heavy with tiredness

I see a figure in the darkness and I feel a rush of worry and fear, it must be mister- I don't want to get beat!

"Emma?" I sigh in relief and get up hugging tommy tightly


"Your dying!" His eyes are laced with shock and worry and I notice a small package in his hand

"I am not!" I deny

He put a hand on my neck as if to check when was the last time mister tried to strangle me.

"It's ok!, I'm ok, everything's fine" I tell him untruthfully, I'm a lair! I shouldn't lie.

He frowns and then his eyes light up

"Emma I got you some food" He says handing me the package

"Why?" I ask "tommy you'll get into trouble!"

"Because I don't want you to die" He says putting a hand on his lip and he thought about something

I hug his neck and cry into it breaking in front of him for the first time

"I'm so sorry" I sob

"Emma, your eight now" he tells me and I leave his embrace surprised , I wasn't expecting any information to be flashed before me


"TOMMY?" I hear the voice I've grown to hate boom

"Quickly! You'll get into trouble if he finds you!" I whisper yell

He nods and runs up the stares and I sit back down eating the food he gave me gratefully.

I open my eyes and find myself lying in the boys's laps in Aiden's car, they must be driving me home or-

I blink confused "tommy?" I ask looking around for the familiar hazel brown eyes.

"Who?" Asks Aiden as I sit up in his lap.

"T- oh never mind" I miss tommy..

"Why didn't you ever tell us you where bullied?" Aiden asked

I shrug "it's not like they're torturing me, cutting scars on my back with a knife and raping me, they're just insulting me and punching/kicking me"

Felix's eye twitched and I could practically see the hatred.

"Just?" Asked Chris raising a eyebrow

"Yeah, Just"

Aiden stretched in a way and played around with my already messy hair, reminding me of tommy.

I hated the fact that I was once again lost, lost like I always was, I couldn't find anyplace to hide, I was confused and everything was happening so freaking fast..

One second I was able to hide and the other I was lost again as I tried to find my way back.

I wanted tommy, these flashbacks are torturing me.. I want him to comfort me and tell me that everything is ok,

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