Sad twist

76 4 10

"Are you may?" I ask instantly

She turns around a look if mingling surprise on her face.

"Yes, Why?" She asks

Without answering I grab her hand and pull her away.


I frowned and looked around, where were they?

I looked on my bed and saw a iPhone, it must be Mel's.. maybe she forgot it? Or did she leave it purposely?

They must be coming back, I told them I'll just take a few seconds and go to the bathroom..

I grabbed it, it didn't have a password...

"Come grab us, Alex, Maya and Me are here just don't let that idiot know"

I feel a pang of betrayal in my heart...

I read "J" 's reply the broken feeling returning..

"The one with black hair and blue eyes? Lol she's a reck-"

I stop reading and close my eyes letting my tears slip from beneath my lids,

I try so hard.
But they leave me broken and scarred
I failed again
Thinking "maybe this time it'll change.."
And now I'm left to suffer in misery and pain
But what about our exchange?

It was fake
It was all just an act
I ache
I feel so attacked..

What's wrong with me?
What do I change?
Please, I plea
Can it be arranged?

I sit down on my bed and cried freely, I didn't want this to happen, I thought this time it'll work, weren't they too bullied? Aren't they supposed to know how I feel? Why?

Is it all my fault
Am I that unlikable?
Why do I go through so much assaults?
I should stop, it's advisable

I rolled to the side and painfully fell of my bed.

I should just give up
I should end my life
No more misery
No more betrayal..

I stood up still crying and checked my arm shakily seeing a big bruise.

I stare at my dresser's mirror and my heart beats unevenly, I should shower- that should help, it always helps..

I ripped the clothes of my body- not caring about them- and stepped into my bathroom keeping my hands on whatever I can find to make sure I don't slip.

I take in a deep breath and turn on the hot water letting the steam mix with the air.

I step into the steaming water and let it burn me, I felt empty, I felt numb, I felt like nothing.. I am nothing..

"What?" I snap turning around and crossing my arms

A couple of boys laughed and shoved me aside even though they were the one's who patted my shoulder.

"Hey!" I yelled not crying

They ran away like the cowards they are

I ran behind them feeling my feet run on the sandy ground.

I let out a small yelp and tripped on a giggling girls leg while she pointed at me as if I was a animal in a zoo.

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