Excuse me?

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I grinned devilishly as my ocean blue eyes scanned the room for those heartless b*tches, I spotted them and my heart gave a small twinge, France was sitting with them again.. that's what I get for trusting her, huh?

I turned on my heels and ran towards  them, quickly reaching them.

"Hi" I say making sure their attention was on me and me only

Their "leader" scoffed scanning me with utmost disgust, "Do is a favor and kill yourself, B*tch" she said flashing her pearly white Teeth.

"You go first" i retorted instantly

She sneered at me and I took it as my chance to punch her, pulling back my fist and letting it collide with her ugly a** face.

"YOU F*CKING IDOIT" Her faithful follower yelled reaching in to slap me

I held her tiny boney hand in mine and twisted it while she thrashed against me uselessly making me me twist it harder, I hope I'm strong enough to break some bones..

"Ewww, she fights like a boy"  I hear one say

I turned around to face her feeling my anger rise and my eyes blurred slightly while I reached in to kick her.

Before i could even touch her I felt a tug on my shoulder and I spun around ready to kick some butt.

"Ugh" I say frowning looking at a older girl, assumedly another one of my relatives.

"You're such a troublemaker, but it fits well with the way you dress, your a punk and bad girl" she says to me 

" 'Bad girl' " I sneer "what am I a dog? Your the only animal I see here"

"Respect your elders!" She said "I'll have you know that I'm already graduated from college and I have a masters degree"

I blinked "it's disturbing to think that people like you can graduate from college"

A girl with too much makeup stifled her gasp "it's disturbing to think that animals like you are allowed to breed, what'll happen to the world?" Mrs makeup says

I looked at her "you know I could remove 99% of your beauty with a wet tissue" I said feeling a bit bored from this insult contest, it's.. 20 or more too one and I'm still winning, praise me.

"Shouldn't you be in the kitchen?" Another retorted and I didn't even stifle my laugh

"Excuse me but when did you change genders?" I replied putting my hand in my pockets

"There's a reason woman have been unequal for so many years, woman like you" Their leader says, I'm pretty sure they took that of the internet..

I rolled my eyes and walked away trying to remember the reason I was here in the first place..

Oh.. yeah that May

I find a small blonde with short hair who was crying, and me, already assuming- it was May patted her shoulder

"Hello!" I say enthusiastically "I'm Emma, now-"

"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed worriedly "I'm sorry but I can't control how I look and mummy says I can't wear makeup until I'm older, just stop! I promise I won't bother you-"

I roll my eyes and crack my knuckles feeling my anger then rise slowly, what's with them picking random girls and ruining their lives? Is it to make up for not having a live themselves or what?

"-hun I'm not a heartless monster, I just wanted to help you since you were crying, Your May right?-"

"May?" She blinked "no, my name's Alex!"

I frown but it quickly morphs into a delighted smile, the more the merrier!

"Cool, Al-"


"-We'll go look for May than we can go to my house and have a sleepover! Maya and you will get along nicely since you both look about the same age- I should've realized that sooner-, ok let's look for May so she can be the next member to join our group!"

She nodded and got up looking confused, I grabbed her tiny hand and ran into another room searching for May

"Excuse me" a brunette mutters pushing in between me and Alex


What's wrong with me? Why do I always come back and leave?

Well ask my mother who decided to ground me and take my phone- my life source.

She told me to study and than she'll give me back my phone, but like the stubborn self I am I didn't and instead lay on the floor of my room crying about the unfairness of life and ranting about how I'm going to loose all my readers- 😂

*passes popcorn and drinks* here's a chapter for today!


*takes breath before continuing*


*puts hands over mouth to stop myself from ranting*

Color in that star and comment all your lovely comments!

Annnnnnnnnnnnd peace!

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