The girls who once made my life hell

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She frowns suddenly and mutters something That sounded to my mind like "but May isn't here"

"It's December" I remind her completely lost in and drowning in my stupidity

"There's this girl I met in our family house- her name's May jones, I think she's about 9-"

"-and is getting bullied by those heartless animals" I cut into her sentence feeling a sudden wave of anger as violence, I am going to kill them for making other girls suffer.

"Leo!" I yell and he appears in front of me instantly, I can't be that scary when I'm angry?

"Yes?" He says scanning me with his blue eyes

"I'm going back to the family house too sort something out, please can you bring maya and Mel too our house?" I say talking so fast that my words stumble on one and other.

"What are you going to sort out?" David Asks instantly and I turn to look at him

I smile menacingly, "nothing much, just going to sort out something I should've done before, is it possible that you can come back for me? I can come home walking if your busy" i change the subject so smoothly, so proud of myself

I feel a tug on my skirt and look down at Maya

"Yes?" I ask her making sure my expression is soft

"Your going to hurt the meanies?" She asks a glint in her eye

"Wanna help?" I laugh picking her up and making her give a sweet giggle

"Yes please!" She Said as if I offered her a yummy chocolate chip cookie

"Who are the "meanies" that your planning on beating?" Asks David immediately

I sigh and whip out my phone, tapping away until I find my message app, I scrolled down and searched for one of the boys.

"Hey Chris"

I impatiently wait for his reply for three seconds before spamming him with more messages.


"I'm waiting"


"Come on!"







I stopped spamming him went he sent me a face palm emoji.

"What is that you want?"

I grin at his reply and my hands work quickly on typing my reply.

"Me and my new found girlies are having a sleepover and I thought, what's a sleepover without ALL my freinds? And than I remembered that my friends are boys and that adds to the mix! We'll have so much fun"

I tap send and reread my message before quickly adding a "!"

"I'm sorry Em, but we can't go, me and the boys are.. busy"

I sigh giving up in a second and stuffing my phone back into my pocket before marching off to vent my frustration into the girls who once my my life hell


Another short chap for you guys *throws popcorn at crowd while standing on stage*

This book is growing so fast *looks at book proudly* 600 reads! How is that even possible? And as much as I'd like to bore you with millions of thank you's and stuff, I (whom have been freed form the evil spirit called school!, for an hour..) decided not too

*points at star* make a wish by tapping that star and I'll grant your wish ONLY if it's possible, cause by clicking on it you made my wish come true! He hee

Aliani maubee

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