Blowing a bubble

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I'm obsessed with gum, like either I have gum in my mouth or I'm more likely to be found chewing the inside of my check.

And I'm craving gum right now.

I slowly get out of bed and sit on my dresser picking up a comb that has "glory my beauty" sprawled across the flower filled back in fancy black letters.

"Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide-" I sing mumble letting the comb slide down my tangled hair.

I finish combing my hair and change into my usual hoodie and black ripped jeans, I walk up to the mirror and dab Vaseline onto my lips- I don't really need lipstick cause my lips already have a weird natural coral pink tint , I brush mascara onto my lashes once so it's hardly noticeable.

"I'm only one call away, I'll be there to save the day, Superman got nothin on me-"

I answer Aiden's call with a small smile.

"Hey?" His warm voice greets me

"Hiiiiiiiii" I say

"Are you ready?"

"For school?"


"Want a ride?"


"I go with a private bus, idiot"

"Ditch it"

I fake gasp through the phone and start to laugh. "The Aiden sparks is asking me to rebel?"

"Come on Em"

"I'd rather walk"

He sighs audibly "Emmmm"

"Awwww, do you really love me that much?"


I blush furiously "what?"

"Yes, I love you that much to the point where I won't let you go to school alone"

"How do I know when you're being sarcastic?"

"I'd tell you"

"This convo dragged on for to long" I inform him closing the line in his face.

I hope I didn't hurt his feelings

I feel the dull pain enclose my body as I get slammed into a locker, I felt the scars from misters old beatings burn against my back's skin and I closed my eyes letting myself get hurt.

"Hi" I mutter falling to the ground in a "i give up" way.

He kicks me and I feel the pain encase me, "please stop, I'm going to miss class" I say

He starts punching me like a punching bag and I start singing under my breath.

The way that I been holding on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm

I kinda like the idea of picking one song to sing each day...

The bell rings and he walks away leaving me on the ground not helping me up like a proper gentleman.

I get up and walk down the hallway feeling intense pain in my back.

I sit down next to the boys in English and wait for the teacher to come.

"Sorry Aiden" I say trying to get rid of this Weird guilty feeling

He smiles warmly "why are you sorry?"

"For being rude"

"NP" He says


I sigh annoyedly as I get cornered by a group of boys.

"If it isn't our little Emo Emma"

Really? Emo Emma? Can't they come up with a better insult?

I just close my eyes and wait for the pain, the oh so painful pain.

"F*** You"

I recognize that voice..

I open my eyes to see Aiden, Chris and Felix and I sigh in relief...

Let's make this as cliché as possible.




"Ohhhh my heros!"

Ok that's not what happened but you guessed that...

I watch as my bullies stomp away losing their punching bag for a day and I just watch from the ground.

"Hi" I say causally to the boys blowing a bubble with the gum I could've chocked on had the bullies beat me

"You're getting bullied" Felix says frowning with Hatred

"No" i say


"I am not getting bullied" I say smiling

"Don't hide behind that smile" Aiden mutters

"I'd like to see these idiots coming near you again, I'll make them pay" Chris says

"Guys, it's ok, I'm ok, everything's fine" I say

"You need help" Felix frowns

"How nice" I mutter

Aiden helps me up and I keep the fake smile plastered on my face.

Aiden checks me for bruises and marks and I could hear Chris and Felix's breathing becoming more heavier by the second.

"My brothers are not to know" i say and unconsciously start singing again

"And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)" I sit myself up before I end up singing the whole song and wait for the boys response


I actually wrote this chapter already but when I came back it was gone and I can't do anything about that so sorry for the late update!

And omg so much reads you guys are amazing! We're so close to two hundred it's just woooooooow.




Love you guys so much, I'm editing the chapters too so just in case you wanna know ;)

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