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Emma's POV

I groan and flip over in my bed grabbing my blankets and cuddling.. so comfortable..

"Go wake Emma up" I hear the voice to far and faint.. they can't possibly wake me up, it's to early.. I think.. I need to open these eyes but I don't wanna..

"Morning sunshine" I hear Leo's voice and I mumble something before stuffing my face into the pillow.

"Come on, take a quick shower and get ready, we'll be leaving in a hour"

I don't even open my eyes.. maybe if I can't like I'm still deep deep asleep he'll leave me be?

"Emma?" I feel him shaking me and I groan in frustration I WANT TO SLEEP


"Give me five minutes" I lie, maybe they'll forget about me..

"Kay'" I hear him mutter and I hear the door swing shut.

"Kay'" I hear him mutter and I hear the door swing shut

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"Come on"






"Yes- this is going to go on forever GET UP!"

I groan annoyedly and roll off the bed and than I get caught by Leo.

He carries me to the bathroom and puts me down carefully and than looks at me expectantly.

"Come on, get ready"

I nod with a sigh and start getting ready.

David's prospective

I stuff some more pancakes into my mouth and hear a soft grunt.

"Hey princess" I smile, my little sis was wearing a suitable black shirt that covered her properly and had a collar that reached around her neck, I don't approve of the fact that's it's half sleeved but the leather jacket she had in her hand must cover her arms, she also wore some bleached rip jeans which matched her top and jacket perfectly.

"Hey" she replies grumpily

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I joke

"I didn't want to wake up at all" she says looking at her pancakes like they where a fluffy pillow.

I check the time and find that we have like 15 minuets left to shove down our breakfast, get into the car and drive away.

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