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The light blinds me as I open my eyes, I wait for them to Un blur with no patience.

I look down at the King sized bed I'm
Currently laying in, I'm still wearing the clothes I wore yesterday, which is a good thing.

I shuffle as I try to move, which for a reason or other, I have been reclined to do.

I manage to get the blanked to fall off me, revealing my legs that are tied with some rope that connected with something under the bed, I can't feel my hands, but something tells me they're tied too.

Ha, all this because of a punch. Funny not funny.

I don't really mind getting tied up, I just hope he makes a dramatic "she's awake" Entrance before I die form boredom.

I know I'm not a normal girl, normal is scary anyway so-

The door swings open and averts my attention form my useless thoughts, the same bully walks in with a serious grin on his face.

"Hi" I say, making the best of the current situation

He walks up to the bed-

My bed, I claim it.

He walks up to my bed and leaned forward, untying the ropes.

"Get up" he commands with a frown

"Whatever you say, Master" I say, my voice robot like and dripping with clear sarcasm.

The pedophile smiles in satisfaction, he needs help.

I stand up and wait for him to do something, but all the creep does is stare.

"Sit down" he orders

I roll my eyes at the game he's playing, and sit back down, well this is fun, Not.

"Stand up" he tells me, a hint of an unexpected Emotional in his eyes.


I stand back up but his foot kicks mine sending me back on the bed, loudly may I add.

"I told you to STAND UP" he roars a glint of delight in his crazed eyes

"Well yeah" I mutter "We both know you intended to trip me"

He glares at me "when you speak to me, you address me politely and formally"

"Sure, pedophile" I say under my breath.

My dignity does not allow me to call him "sir" or "Master" unless it's Sarcastic, so I guess I'll get beat up or whatever.

"I heard that" he hisses

"Mhm" I nod, rolling my eyes and laying back on the giant bed

He glares at me "if you disrespect me I will punish you" he warns

I roll my eyes "honey, you're punishing me with your presence"

He sighs angrily and lifts me up.

I close my eyes and hum, not looking forward to what ever he's going to do.

I hear laughs and footsteps and I open my eyes, looking around the place I'm in.

He forces me to stand on a bright blue yoga matt while he ties my hand to a rope attached to the ceiling, fun.

I scream when he leaves me go, I was hanging from the ceiling with my hands, and It huuuuurt.

A lot.

I see a girl I faintly know as a street fighter, slowly she starts punching me again and again.

Oh, so I'm going to literally be their punching bag, you shouldn't give your bullies ideas.

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