Not an update

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I need to publish today's chapter but nooooooooo

I just sit there, stare at the screen, bite my lip and think:


Fudging not fair.

And you'd think I'd have enough luck to have today be one of the days where I have a chapter in advance ready?

Well luck has it I do-

yeah I know you won't fall for that but *shrugs*

So I decided to do a meeting my characters thing!

Cause I'm in the writing mood for silly stuff like that

stupid writing mood

So like, sorry.

I know normally stuff like this is at the end did the book AFTER the book finishes.. I think.

Blah blah blah, I rant too much.

Let's start:

(MINE), Ailani's POV

I groan and spin around my chair, my laptop sitting in front of me, open and waiting for me to write.

I look at it for a few seconds before I frown, writers block is the worst enemy I'll ever have.

I take out my phone and open wattpad, choosing a book and reading for a few minutes, trying to get into the mood.

"Ugh, fine." I grunt leaning back in my chair

"FOOD!" I yell, how could've I forgot?

Instantly I jump out of my seat and practically run to the kitchen, reaching it I slam open the fridge and glance inside.

"Are you seriously hungry?"

I whip around at the voice, before letting out a tiny scream.

"Emma!" I yell "I'm sorry ok? DON'T KILL ME, I couldn't write- writers block! And I thought food could help so I went to the kitchen, opened the fridge-"

She rolls her blue eyes and jumps on the kitchen inland, she sat on it, legs swinging, MUNCHING ON MY OREOS!

"EMMA!" I yell furiously pointing at my Oreos

Her eyes widen and she bursts into laughter, I hear a couple apologizes in between her hahahas but NO ONE STEALS MY OREOS.

"I'm calling Aiden" I hiss taking out my phone

"Aiden won't-" She begins but gets cut short

"Hey Chris, I haven't seen you since yesterday! And it's not like I even saw you, it was through text- anyways, Emma stole my Oreos!, so I need back up" I rant

"Sure, Ai"

He closes the line and a smile proudly, crossing my arms are glaring (but still smiling) at Emma.

"Why are you so obsessed with Oreos anyways!?"

"Cause" I mutter and glance at the door impatiently

A soon as I glance at the door Chris bursts in Holding a big pack of Oreos, Oreo ice cream, And a Oreo milkshake.

I rush and hug him muttering millions of  thanks you's and you shouldn't have's

Felix walks in after him, followed by tommy, follow  by Aiden..

"OMG, HEY GUYS!" I say jumping as if high on sugar

Aiden frowns "You sound like you're on weed"

I fake a gasp and put a hand over my heart "moi? How dare you!"

Emma giggles and jumps of the kitchen island, "I'm getting some of the Oreo things right? If you eat them all you'd get diabetes-"

I roll my eyes "you're the one who ate my Oreos in the first place"

She fakes a gasp putting a hand on her heart "moi? How could you!"

I laugh at how similar she is too me, grab my Oreo smoothie and give it to Chris.

I turn around to see her horrified face, and We all burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Y-You should see the look on your face!" Tommy laughs clutching his stomach

I grab my stuff and turn around to march out of the kitchen but i can't help but turn around again.

I find Emma giving me the middle finger!

"EMMA!" I yell giving her the finger back.

"S-Sorry" she laughs

"Oh, you'll pay" I say evilly before running out.

LOL, i enjoyed writing this way too much!

Hope you enjoyed it even if it was not an update!

Color in that star if you did and spam me with all your amazing comments!

Ailani maubee

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