I called him cute

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if these freaking exams don't end soon I'm going to die.

Like seriously I'm acting like I was 4 years ago.

I started hurting myself again... and before you go assuming I want to kill myself- You're wrong- I have a reason to stay alive even if it means I suffer.

My loving family.

And I'm not cutting myself! I just accidentally on purpose kept hitting my leg with this wooden... thing and a large bruise the size of a football appeared on my leg.

The problem is it's really noticeable.

Too freaking noticeable.

I love wearing ripped jeans... Shut up I just do- and it kinda shows a lot of this big bruise.

I don't want anyone worrying about me, so I had to leave my love... ripped jeans.



Frick D... I think All the problems I used to face are back.

The voices must've gotten stronger since I started middle school and my stress limit when off the roof.

Since they kept telling me... I just thought I was past believing them- but it's working.

You know those voices?


Nobody loves you



No one wants you here



No one cares

Nobody will miss you

You have no friends to miss you


you won't win


You're a mistake


Too many flaws

No one in their right minds loves you.

You have no future


I thought I trained myself not to listen but with the new found stress I'm really starting to lose myself to these voices.

Do you know how in those cartoons there is a angel who tells you to do the right thing and a devil that tells you to do the wrong thing? Well imagine a group of devils in my head and one tiny angel that's Imprisoned

Yeah that's how i feel.



I look automatically around at the sound of my name
Oh... it was just someone talking to their freind, well Emma is a common name.

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