Call them overprotective

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"Don't tell me you can't remember us" Said Felix

"Why am I supposed to remember you? Have I met you before? I don't know anyone in school so don't expe-"

Aiden showed me a picture and I instantly fell into a flashback., (how dramatic)

"No-" the four year old me laughed harder "I'm going to get tickled to death!" I say giggling

"Emma- no!" He laughed as I tickled him

He was  juuuuust a year older than me...

"Aiden! Felix! Look- Chris is tickling- me to death" I say giggling hard

"She started it!"

Felix and Aiden appear and instead of saving me they tickle me too, ohhhhhh come on!

"N-no, m-my knights have be-betrayed me" I say giggling harder and harder

After a lot of tickling and giggles we lay on the floor...

"Felix!, Chris!, Aiden!' I say as if they hadn't just told me their names.

They seemed to delighted that I remembered them to care.

I think they wanted to hug me but I was on the floor of the car, they couldn't reach me.

Well they did already hug me

The car stopped at a restaurant and we got off.

First thing I do is kiss them each on the cheek,

I've missed them so freaking much

They hugged me again and we where all grinning so widely it looked like we had just finished our exams and they where easy

What? It's true


We where enjoying our time, talking about how different stuff are since I haven't seen them since I was four and they where five.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I say before heading to the bathroom, I didn't wait for their reply it's not like I'm asking for their permission

I got in and looked at myself in the mirror, I put some Vaseline on my lips and took my hair out of its pony tail and combed it.

I took of my glasses and smiled, it really makes a difference...

I put them back on and put my hair in a messy bun and headed back out

"Hello beautiful" Said a tall boy who looked drunk and smelled disgusting

"Check your eyesight" I mutter

First I wasn't beautiful

Second I'm thirteen and he looks like he's in his early twenties.

He leaned closer to me and I scrunched my nose in disgust

I grabbed him by his collar and punched him, he punched me back- hard in the stomach

I was not letting that pervert get away with it

You do not mess with girls... never

I punched his hard in his face and his nose broke, not my fault.

I looked up and saw the boys staring at me

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