Singing softly

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"Stop giving me reasons to hate you, making me suffer through this pain-" I sang softy and France sang with me in harmony.

"I've never asked for your lovin and I'm sick of your little game"

I felt the cold breeze against my skin as I sat down taking in ten breathtaking view.

We sang like there was no tomorrow like teh world finals found peace, out voices fit perfectly together and it sounded beautiful.

We reached the chorus and sang a little louder "i told You you'll re-gret it-"

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I expected too see France's but saw Aiden instead.

"We where worried" he told me slipping in-between is and taking in the view.

"Wow this is worth the climb" Chris says sitting to my left.

"Keep on singing your voices are beautiful" Felix said sitting to France's Right.

"Hi, Felix, Aiden and Chris" Says France

"Bonjour" jokes Chris

I put my head in Aiden's lap and smile up to him, "Why Where you worried?" I ask

He shrugs and puts in his headphones.

"Let's rock tonight" I sing and Aiden hushes me

"Why?" I moan childishly, I really wanted to "live when I'm young"

I can't help but fall asleep.

"You never act your age!" He screamed and hot tears ran down my blue eyes as he punched me.

"Please.. no" I say shaking

"You'll never be beautiful-"

I had no idea what I did wrong, I hoped mister will forgive me- I miss my family.

"You'll never achieve anything"

I fall to the hard ground and I hear his daughter laughing.

"I'm so sorry" I say apologizing for doing nothing.

He left the room and I slowly got up, I had a bruise on The Chest that was viable through my collar, I cried as I made my way to walk to the kitchen and do the dishes.

"You see you'll never be as beautiful and intelligent as me" his daughter brags

I cry a little more and nod in agreement.. I learned it- nod and no punishment.

I put my hands in the warm water and scrub the plates clean.

She watched me like a hawk as if hoping I'd make a mistake.

I finish and dry my wrinkled hands.

I open my eyes and find myself laying in Aiden's lap.

"Ai-Aiden?" I yawn

He smiles and looks back at the view his blue eyes sparkling.

"Well good morning sleepyhead" laughed Chris

I put a hand on my face and stretch not changing my position.

Aiden's prospective

I look at the city's view with a smile feeling Emma on my lap.

"Come on, we're not sleeping here" Felix says getting up

I nod and carefully put Emma (who went back to sleep) on the floor and than carry her.

She was still light and I worried that she hasn't been eating.


I know it's short but stiiiiiill I wrote a chapter.

It's just... shorter than it's supposed to be.. Yeah

Lol trying to think of an excuse is hard-

I just felt like posting it while it's incomplete.


K bye.

Lost Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon