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I sigh in expiration as I run down another Rocky street, I really should've thought this out..

It was already becoming dark, I still had my travel WiFi and I'm legit fine with sitting cross legged on the street and watching YouTube but I had to keep the 100% battery on my phone.

I turned into a Area filled with restaurants and shops, a small unseen smile creeped onto my lips for a few seconds and I took out my purse, I had one hundred fifty pounds from my savings, it should be more than enough for seven days-

And I knew the city like the back of my hand, I won't get lost, the problem is, what am I going to do being 'free' ?

I'll think about that later.

I looked at McDonald's and bit my lips in thought, I should use my money "wisely" and I could probably buy food much more cheaper in a supermarket.

I stopped at Tesco and entered, scanning the groceries with my eyes-

Yeah obviously, what else will you look at them with, your teeth?

Oh come on, even my brain is teasing me.

I grab one of those ready pizza bread things for one pound and a water bottle and than put it on the Red counter while I wait for the boyfriend and girlfriend in front of me to finish arguing about who will pay for the Reece's peanut butter cups.



I'm so sorry!

It's extremely short but this was all that I prepared in advance and I'm siiiiiick.

I hate being sick-, why does throwing up have to be painful anyway?

I just wanted to make sure you guys had a chapter no matter what- well unless my mum took my phone Than I can't really do anything-

Hopefully I'll get better soon :)

Color in the wishing star and make my wish come true!

And please comment all your lovely comments, they really make my day ;)

Wish me luck!

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