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I put on some music and turned on some steaming hot water and waited for it to fill the tub..

I put some body stuff that smelled nice in too it and bubbles and foam filled it after each one squirt I put.

I smiled proudly at my attempt to calm myself, I would put petals too but my mom won't let me steal any roses form the garden so *shrugs* I didn't want dirt in my bath anyway.

The hot water made steam appear and I slowly stripped myself.

I put in a few ice cubes to make sure I don't burn taker from the waters heat and I put in one leg.

"Stone cold
Stone cold
You see me standing
But i'm dying on the floor
Stone cold
Stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry
I won't feel it anymore
Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you"

I take a deep breath and put in my other leg than slowly sit down in the warm relaxed water.

A few bubbles pop when I play around with them and I close my eyes and slowly let my head get soaked while I lay down leaving my face outside water so I can breath.

"Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart we'll make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you
Hmm Hmmm"

I sit back up and take out the perfume like body spray and spray the scent around the bathroom:

"Stone cold
Stone cold
You're dancing with her
While I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold
Stone cold
I was your amber
But now she's your shade of gold
Stone Cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you"

I let my salty tears mix with the water as I think deep and question life.

"Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart will make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you"

My mum sent my a text telling me there's going to be another family gathering.. I have no idea how to feel, happy because France will be there with me or sad because I'll be seeing the rest of the girls, whenever I see them a bit of the old Emma that I killed perks out of the grave and it ruins me and everything I practiced.

"Don't wanna be stone cold, stone
I wish I could mean this but here's my goodbye"

My face falls into the water and the soapy foamy water fills my nostrils and mouth and I quickly struggle back up.

"Oh, I'm happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
If happy is her
If happy is her
I'm happy for you"

The song finished while I have my coughing fit and spit out the water I swallowed, my saliva is soapy and it's disgusting.

I feel a faint curiosity at what will play next but still have my brain focused on the soap and foam that could be poisonous and could kill me.

I give up and lay back down in the water being extra careful this time.

I also know that two other girls came back form America, our family is REALLY big in my point of view..


I step out of the bathroom in my bathrobe and walk to my closet to get me some Pjs.

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