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Night crawls in faster than I expected and I find myself sitting by the lake.

I threw a chip into my mouth with a soft crunch and stared at the glistening blue lake, I felt calm, there wasn't the constant worry, the constant feeling that I was a absolutely nobody, that everyone is telling me lies, and whenever something good happens, someone good happens; all I can think of is how I don't deserve it.

I changed out of my skinny jeans and sweater in a mall bathroom stall, now, I was wearing some leggings and some black boots that had fluffy rings on them at the end, I wore a white sweater that was one size too big, but still it was comfortable.

I slipped of my shoes and unzipped my bag, shoving my shoes into it. Slowly I neared my feet into the glimmering water and my toes barely skimmed the cold unrifled surface.

I felt a sudden need for music, so I hummed to myself, everything was ok.



Just ok

My feet touched the water and I smiled.

Finally, something goes right.

I look up at the stars for no longer than two seconds before slipping, I let out a small scream and grabbed the edge of the wooden surface, feeling the splinters against my skin.

It's like life was giving me a moment of happiness before punching me with a; lol b*tch, you thought?


I wasn't completely drenched in water, but if I fall I will be.

I'm half expecting the boys to appear and help me out of this, stupid expectations.

I grabbed it tightly and pulled myself up, my armpits touched it while my elbows worked to get me back to land.

I took a deep breath and pushed myself up.

Don't slip

Don't slip

Don't slip

I said: don't slip

NO, don't you dare..

I welp in pain when my nail breaks from a metal screw.

Life right now: screw You

I fell into the lake with a soft splash, and cold water drenches me.

Boys, now is the time for you to appear and save, Cause it'll be much appreciated.

The water wasn't that deep but I was still shaking as I tried to get back into the wooden surface, my whole outfit was ruined, and too think that I was feeling comfortable.

I had no place to change, so all I can do is sleep and hope everything will be better when the sun forces me awake and the birds are driving me insane.

Haha, you see that, better my butt.

I clasped the ground as if it was my long lost freind, I was soaking and was so going to be sick because of this. The mingling feeling of dread embraced me with a creepy smile.

I shivered, I wasn't ready to loose my innocence my changing here, who knows who could see me.

I frown, I felt a little scared now that I thought of it. Who knows what kind of things are out here?

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