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Vál Thyrsdottír stood in the middle of the forest, her prominent jaw flexed as her icy cold eyes was glued on a smaller village distance. She only stood there, observing for a while before she started to walk towards it. Her body calm, her heart beating calmly as he steps were filled with determination and confidence. The snow crunched slightly under her feet as she walked. She carefully moved to the back of the cabins, making sure no one saw her as she moved swiftly between the homes.

"Freeze!" A small boy said and he held his unloaded bow aimed at her. His eyes widen when he saw the tall woman in front of her, her icy eyes met his warmer blue ones. "Are you a warrior?" He asked and she looked around to make sure no one saw before giving him a nod. The boy smiled widely at her.

"Are those yours?" The boy asked as he pointed at her swords and she nodded again. She dug into her pocket. She took out an arrow, one of the multiple hooking ones and handed it to the small boy who looked at it with wide eyes. "Wow!" He exclaimed before looking at her again.

"A real warrior can't have an empty bow." She said and he smiled widely at her. The he ran away and she quickly moved from cabin to cabin. She had been watching the village for a while and knew exactly which one she shall enter. When she heard any voices from the right cabin she stopped.

"I don't care how you do it but I need him dead!" The man yelled loudly and Vál recognized the voice, it was her target.

"He is the Earl, Gerhald." Another man said, almost pleadingly. "If he dies there will be suspicion that you killed him because you've done nothing but to disobey him. They will turn against you." The man continued and then Gerhald laughed evilly.

"It wasn't a question Helge, it was a demand. Now make sure he isn't breathing much longer." Gerhald ordered before a man walked outside. He slammed the door shut, mumbling something under his breath and Vál waited for a while before walking to the door. She hid in the shadows before sneaking inside the door. She was face with a fat man, dressed in a night gown and hair messy as he saw with his back facing her.

"Helge, that went by fast." Gerhald said but when he turned around his eyes widen. A sharp blade was pressed against his throat and when he looked up his eyes met Váls icy cold ones. He could decide if the blade or the lack of emotions in her eyes that made him terrified.

"Who sent you?" He asked, a silent cry leaving his lips. "It was him wasn't it? He sent you to kill me. The Earl sent—" She didn't give him time to answer, instead she quickly slit his throat. Blood stained her face and she calmly placed the dagger back into its place. She looked at the now dead man who's lifeless body was sprawled out on the bed, crimson liquid staining his gown and furry blankets.

Vál walked out the door once again and walked the same way she arrived however she stopped in her tracks when she saw the man, Helge walk between the cabins, towards the main one. She knew that the villages Earl lived in the bigger cabin so she quickly followed the man. Before Helga could walk out from the alley she pulled him backwards, the surprise attack making him fall onto the ground. When he looked up his eyes widen and before he could say anything she had stuck her dagger into his skull, the sound of the skull crushing by the force echoing in her head. She didn't remove the dagger, instead she turned around and walked away.

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