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Björn's temperament had been cut short, his heart barely beating which made him cold and his jaw was clenched shut tightly

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Björn's temperament had been cut short, his heart barely beating which made him cold and his jaw was clenched shut tightly. Helga had been rushed to Vál's side and the older woman examined the lifeless body in front of them. Björn knew they had to carry on yet he couldn't, not before he knew Vál was alright. All his brothers stood beside him, Vidar, Harald and Halfdan stood around her. They all watched how Helga checked all the arrows, moving them carefully to inspect how bad it was. Helga sucked in a breath when she saw how deep the arrows were, one in the shoulder very close to the aorta. The other on her thigh, little further away from the aorta yet the muscle in it was probably ruined.

"W-Will she s-survive?" Ubbe asked quickly, almost stumbling upon his words. Helga looked up at them, locking eyes with Björn before looking down at Vál.

"I don't know, her puls is weak and I need to remove the arrows without letting her loose much more blood since her heart is closing off." Helga said truthfully before looking back at Björn. "But I will do my best but I can't do it here." She said and Björn clenched his jaw.

"Ivar you'll take her on your chariot." Björn ordered and Ivar stared at Vál, feeling lost yet he nodded slowly. "We need the kingdom now!" He yelled to the rest. The others cheered loudly before they all headed towards Ecbert's kingdom, the last pit stop for the vengeance of Ragnar Lothbrok's death. Björn got help from Harald to put Vál on Ivar's chariot, Ubbe and Hvitserk assisting as well slightly. Helga got on the chariot as well to continue to look after Vál.

The heathen army moved quickly towards Ecbert's kingdom. Björn kept glancing back at Ivar and his chariot as they walked. He knew he had to refocus the best he could, for everyone's safely, especially for Vál's. With a loud roar they stormed the kingdom, the gate were forced open roughly yet to everyone's surprise it was empty. The walls only acting like an empty shell, protecting nothing. Björn looked around with a frown, he nodded for his men to search the place and soon the kingdom was slowly being ruined. Books were burned, ceramics were destroyed and tables were flipped over.

"Let's put her in there!" Björn said and pointed at an empty cabin. Ivar nodded and rode closer before Björn carefully lifter her up. A soft groan left her mouth and his eyes widen, almost dropping her as her sound surprised him. "She's awake!" Björn yelled to Helga who hurried inside. Björn carefully placed her on the single bed inside. He placed his hand on her cheek, trying to wake her yet nothing happened.

"Björn—" Helga said.

"Vál wake up!" Björn said in a harsh tone, yet it faded into a desperate one.

"Björn, it's Ecbert. He's here, we got him!" Ubbe said as he ran into the room. Björn looked at Vál, rubbing his thumb over her bloodstained cheek before leaving her in Helga's care.

"Save her." Björn ordered her before storming outside. He clenched his jaw when he saw Ecbert, Harald and a few other men held their swords against his throat. Björn looked at the aged king with anger oozing from his body.

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