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Ivar felt like Vál could read his mind

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Ivar felt like Vál could read his mind. The same wicked expression was preset on her face. Their eye contact had almost seemed to have sent his plans, ideas into her head. Ivar enjoyed that Vál believed in him, she didn't question him and ignored his ideas. She listened, stood behind him when his brothers decided to ignore him. He was the youngest and everyone treated him like a child yet Vál saw him as an equal which he more than appreciated.

Everyone parted ways yet Vál stood behind with Ivar, letting her fingers gently patt the white horse that helped him move. Her eyes soon followed the reins to his chariot.

"It's a masterpiece Ivar." Vál said before looking him in the eyes. Ivar smiled at her kindly.

"It's my legs." He said and she chuckled which made him frown.

"I was talking about your plan but the chariot is a masterpiece as well." Vál said and a light blush stained his cheeks. She walked over to his chariot and let her fingers trace the edge of it. Ivar was almost towering above her due to the height of the chariot and for the first time he looked down on her and not the other way around. "Always nice to see that one of Ragnar's sons got the strategical brain." She said and smiled at him kindly.

"Always nice to have someone who isn't always working against me." Ivar said to her and she smiled at him.

"I have never had a reason to do so. You have a great mind, a killer determination and great skills even for someone with non real experience which amazes me, Ivar. Plus I've kind of promised myself always to be there for you and that's a promise I'll never intend to break." She said and looked him deep in the eyes.

"A promise?" He asked and she got a little closer.

"I would never wan't you as an opponent Ivar, you're too good." She whispered to him. "You'll be untouchable after this, believe me." She said with a wink before walking away. Ivar blushed as his heart beated in his chest. Her words meant a lot to him. His eyes followed her as she walked over to her men.

Vál had gathered her men and women as they were getting ready to avenge Ragnar's death once again. It wasn't over yet, another king were breathing after killing him and that were all about to change.

"50 of the archers will be hidden in the forest surrounding the large field. Ulvar you'll be in command for the archers and you'll be staying east on Harald's right facing the field." Vál said and mentally rolled her eyes at herself. It wasn't her, it felt strange yet she was excited even if that was mainly because of Ivar's plan how to conquer the battle against King Ecbert. His plan was great and it felt like this battle held more meaning to Ivar than the other, this he had planned by himself mainly and had little to non interests in others opinions in the matter. Ulvar nodded at her.

"Vidar you'll be joining Ivar and Floki on the field with 150 men and the rest will follow me to the narrow road." Vál continued and she turned to walk away with her warriors as they all approved of it. Harald and Halfdan would guard the left side of the narrow side, Björn and his other brothers would take the right and her men would come straight at them. The thicker fog by the narrow road were in their favor. As the other got ready she turned to her warriors once again, seeing their eyes icy cold and filled with excitement. Her long braided hair blew gently in the light wind, her swords peeking out behind her shoulder blades and her tall body was towering from the ground.

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