Chapter Thirty Two - New York

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Jack and I were sprawled out on the couch while the twins were having a nap. We were watching some tv show while mindlessly  playing with each other's fingers.


"Hummm" he replied. I turned my body round to face him and he looked down. "What?"

"I've been thinking." I told him


"I think we should move back to  New York." I tell him. I had been thinking about it for days it was nice to finally say it. "If you think about it, this was only supposed to be a stop over, but with the crash, your transition, pregnancy and birth. We've kind of overstayed. Even though I think they're happy to have us."

"Are you sure? I mean, you've seen to gotten closer to your family."

"I know but I left for a reason and well I feel even more ready, my life is in New York with you and our family. We'll obviously visit but I think it's time."

"Okay then, when do you want to leave."

"Is next week too soon?"

"No, next week is perfect." He kissed me and we started making out. We were like that for a while, well until the kids woke up that is.



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Jack slammed the trunk shut and came round. Dad was driving us to the airstrip. I finished fixing the children into their car seats.

"Everything you need is in there, new passports, driving licences. The works." Mom said as Jack took them off her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nessie asked

" Yeah, we'll be back soon though." I replied and started my goodbyes. I slid into the back of the car with the children and Jack got in the front.

At the air strip, our bags were loaded onto the plane.

"So this is it." I sighed holding Johnny.

"I guess it is." I wrapped one arm around him and gave him a hug.

"Say bye, to Gramps, Johnny." Johnny Looked up from my shoulder and waved. Jack joined us with Faith.

"Bye Gramps." Faith smiled

" Bye Faith." We bordered the plain and I watched as Dad watched us take off.


The four of us stood outside our home. Our combined salaries over several months plus a little help from my family we were able to afford our Rochester house.  Jack had moved to another thetre close by that was more than happy to accept him.

"I'm going to put the twins down for a nap." I stated and   headed inside I went up stairs when I stopped.

"Jackson!" I called there was a drop and my husband was by my side.

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