Chapter Thirty Five - Summerland her we come!

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"Dad, how long does it take to get there?" Johnny asks an hour into our drive

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"Dad, how long does it take to get there?" Johnny asks an hour into our drive. I was texting Nessie who had already been on a flight and then on the road.

"For us it takes about four hours. but the others they had to leave early this morning on a flight. They'll be on the road now." Jack answered

"What was it like working there, Dad?" Faith wondered. I looked up from my phone to share a look with him.

"That bad?" Faith added when there wasn't an immediate answer

"Not that bad, no. I met your mother there didn't I? Your Aunt Mels too. Hey She and Uncle Austin still work there." Jack replied

"Okay so why was there silence and a uh oh look." Johnny chipped in. I turned back to them

"What uh-oh look."

"The let's not go there look. we're one/seven. Not stupid."

"Tell me where did you learn the comebacks?" I questioned

"You." They replied

"So not your father?"

"No, I get my charm and dancing skills of him. Oh and when I'm onlder, I'm totally riding a motorbike." I let out a laugh as did Jack.

"Are you now?"

"Yes, how else am I going to get the ladies." I glance at Jack who is resisting the urge not to burst into laughter

"Shut up Johnny, your embarrising yourself." Faith sighs looking at her brother, then turns to me.

"You still haven't told us what's so bad about the place." It was my turn to sigh turning back around.

"It's not so much the place that's the problem."

"So it's the people?"

"Faith, why do you want to know so bad."

"I'm curious, we both are. I mean it was what two/ three years since you were there and in that ttime, you've lived together, married and had us. Yet when we started talking about it you went silent."

"Brave is the boy who dares try mess with you." Jack muttered

"I heard that, part vampire remember Dad."

"Of course, sweetie. If you must know the both of you. Summerland kind of holds a double standard."

"What does that mean?" Johnny questioned

"It means in this case there are two types of staff. The waiters who your mother likes to call ivy leaguers."

"Which is?" they questioned

"They go to the best schools the prestigious ones like Harvard and Yale." I answered

"Yes the ones that work there, they can get away with almost anything."

"Babe, they're not stupid." I but in "Long story short, the men that Alistair Summers employs as wait staff are a bunch of males who think they're above the law and consequences. Behind the charm and smiles they show there a bunch of a bombs who think they can get away with..."

"Ali." Jack says

"Right. Babies, if you learn anything from us, is that when it comes to the wait staff they're stuck up pigs that need to be knocked down a peg or two. Now not everyone is like that but Summerland sure seems to pick idiots to wait on people. The nicer more fun and down to earth are the dancers."

"The dancers!" They chime

"Yes. As you know your Dad is a dancer and he has lots of friends who have had to work their hardest. Now it's in our opinion and in your fathers case experience. That the dancers and the ivy leaguers get treated differently."

"So that's why you don't like it Dad, because they treated you and your friends differently."

"You can put it that way bud."

"Okay, can we have some music on?" Johnny said ending the talk.

"Sure. What will it be?"

"Descendants!" They yelled. We laughed as I put their favourite song on.


"Look, there's Gramps and Grams car with Aunty Nessie and Jacob." Johnny points to where our family was waiting. I got out of the car and went to Johnny's side to open his door.

"Aunt Nessie!" he screams running over to her.

"Jacob!" Faith runs over to him. Jack and I closed the doors and took each other's hand heading over to the group.

"Hey." We greeted the family "How long have you been here?" I wondered

"Just five minutes, how was the trip?" Dad asked

"Long. But halfway through they slept. Where is Grandpa?" Dad pointed to the entrance where Grandpa was coming out with keys and Alistair Summers.

"You remember Alistair everyone." I looked for Jack but he wasn't here and neither were the kids.

"Hello again everyone." There were squeals of delight as Johnny came running with Faith on Jacks shoulders.

"Just pointing out what there is to do here."

"Mr Cassidy." Alistair addressed him "Welcome back."

"Mr Summers."

"And the new Mrs Cassidy. Congratulations."

"Thank you. Anyway, room keys." Grandpa nodded he handed they keys out.

"How about after we settle in and have something to eat, we find Uncle Austin and Aunt Melissa." I suggest, they cheer and we make our way to the cabin.

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