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Central City

A brown haired guy, with geeky clothes was racing down a crowded street, lugging a metal suitcase. He was clearly late. Super late. He accidentally collided into some people. "Sorry 'bout that!", He yelled out as he kept colliding into people. He was headed to a crime scene, where his foster dad was, Detective Joe West.

"The teller inside says Clyde Mardon as the shooter.", Joe said to his partner, Chyre.

"Christ. The Mardon Brothers are back? Didn't you already send them to prison?", Chyre asked Joe.

"On a ten-to-twenty stretch...which in Central City's warped math comes out to be two years time served.", Joe explained. Captain Singh approached them, wanting a update.

"Perps took the bank, hot-wired a parked car to make their getaway. Then for a chaser, they shot Mr. Brain Cunningham here.", Joe told Captain Singh then they looked at the tarp covered body.

"We're canvassing for witnesses.", Joe said.

"Has CSI been over it?", Captain Singh asked.

"um...no.", Joe said. "What not? Where is Allen?!", Singh yelled out. Barry Allen ran into a woman carrying groceries so he had to stop and help her.

"Again..so sorry.", He said to the woman then finally got to the crime scene. He turned around and showed the officers his CSI badge and went under the tape.

"Detective, you can't keep covering for him. If he's not here- -", Singh started to say but then Barry interrupted him.

"Sorry, I'm late, Captain Singh.", Barry said.

"At least you're consistent. What was it this time, Mr. Allen? Did you forget to set your alarm? Before you answer, I should remind you that the excuse you used last time was car trouble. Want to know why that one was particularly memorable?", Singh said, talking down to him.

"I don't own a car.", Barry said.

"So which is it? Are you just a giant flake? Or are you off doing something I wouldn't approve of?", He said, slightly getting angry with him. Barry couldn't say anything fast enough before Joe said something for him.

"He was running errand for me..Barry, did you get it?", Joe asked, giving Barry a look.

"Uh...yeah...I, um...I have it right here.", Barry aid slightly confused then pulled out a half eaten candy bar and handed it to Joe. "I may have had a few bites..", Barry aid kinda quirky.

"Impress us with your forensic acumen, Mr. Allen.", Singh said getting annoyed. "..right.", Barry aid before getting to work.

National City

A young, blue eyed, blonde reporter of the name of Kara Danvers, got to work like she always did. Said hello to co-workers, like James Olsen. And Cat Grant. But then her boss, Snapper, yelled at her to come to his office. "Ponytail! My office. Now!", Snapper yelled then she quickly ran to his office.

"Yes?", Kara asked softly.

"I need one of my best reporters to go to a crime scene in Central City. I want to be one of the first to be able to report the full story.", He commanded then a big grin expressed onto her face.

"..Did you say I'm one of your best reporters...?", Kara said excitedly.

"Just go, Danvers!", he yelled. "Right.!", She said before running out of his office then leaving immediately.

Central City

When Kara had gotten to the crime scene, she showed police officers guarding the scene her CatCo badge so they'd let her under the tape. Right as she entered, she overheard a CSI, Barry, talking about the murdered civilian. "Multiple gunshots to the chest...You'll want to notify his wife. He was married.", He said informing everyone around him.

"There's no wedding ring.", one of the detectives said to him. Then Barry reached into the man's shirt, then pulled out a wedding ring on a chain. Kara smiled, impressed. He was good. He then moved over to tire marks on the ground.

"Getaway car is a corvette. Corvette's have a rear super wide tire. Specific to that model. 12 inches. I wear a size eleven shoe. I just added a inch. And there's something else...", he said observing the tire marks then took one of the detective's pen and picked up a brown sticky substance. "Fecal excrement. Animal, I'd guess.", Barry said.

"My dad gave me that pen. Before he died.", the detective said. Barry gave him a slight frown.

"Sorry.", he said.

"You're luck you're good.", Singh said to Barry before walking away. Then Joe came up to Barry with one of those 'Dad' faces.

"Alright, where were you? For real.", Joe said.

"...I spent a few days in Starling City.", Barry said, accepting defeat.

"You need to stop ducking work to go chase one of these urban legends.", Joe said.

"There were reports of a man who could bend steel.", Barry said with excitement.

"Yeah. And last month, you took off to Blue Valley because you heard about a girl who could defy gravity.", He said with disbelief.

"You know why this is important to me.", Barry said a bit hurt.

"You know what killed your mother, Barry.", He said still not believing him, after all these years.

"I know no one believes me about what happened that night, Joe. But I've always wished you did.", Barry said looking sort of down. There was a silent pause before he said something again.

"Get yourself back and have...that...analyzed.", He said, probably to stop the conversation because he didn't want to believe in the impossible.

"Alright...oh, Can I still take Iris to the S.T.A.R. Labs event in a couple days?", Barry asked. Joe gave him a look and Barry knew the answer. "But not while The Mardon Brothers are still out. Got it.", Barry said then Joe walked off.

Kara had some questions to ask so she boldly walked up to Barry and tapped him on his shoulder. Barry sighed before turning around, to look at who tapped his shoulder, but to his surprise, he saw a girl. But she wasn't just any girl. He swore, she was probably the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. She had the most bluest eyes he had ever seen. They glimmered in the sunlight as her blonde hair shined. "Hi, I'm with CatCo and I would like to ask some questions.", Kara said with such confidence. But it all just made him more interested in her. Who was she?

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