stronger together

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"So, wait.", Mon-El said, getting all confused about what was happening. "Kara is Supergirl, obviously, but she told you not to tell Barry, right?", He asked and Iris nodded quickly. "'re telling me that Barry is the- that blur thingy- is Barry and he also told you not to tell Kara.", He continued and Iris nodded. "Damn.", He said. "I know! And I couldn't just keep this damn secret on my own! It's too hard! They are always around each other as Kara & Barry or as Supergirl & Barry. And I might slip up one day and then they'll hate me.", Iris rambled. "Hey- You're not on your own anymore- you have me.", Mon-El said, intensely staring into her eyes, and she smiled a little. "Thanks, Mon.", Iris said. Then they both pulled their attention towards the tv. They were at CatCo, while they were working there. Mon really likes working at CatCo because he gets to be around Iris all the time, unless Eddie is there. On the tv, they saw Kara while trying to move the boat to try and help everyone but ended up making it worse as it spilled oil into the ocean. "Poor Kara.", Iris said with worry in her tone.

"Miracle or menace? That's what the citizens of National City are asking themselves after the latest attempt at heroics by Supergirl left the bay facing an ecological disaster."

Iris rolled her eyes at the tv. "Uh. She's just trying to help. Asshole.", Iris mumbled so that only she and Mon could hear and he laughed a little. Then they saw Kara walk out of the elevator. Iris quickly walked up to her and immediately smelled something horrible off of her.

"Oh, damn, is that smell you?", Iris asked. "Three showers and I still reek of burning oil.", Kara said as they walked towards Mon. "I went from superhero to ecoterrorist in a single day.", Kara said. "You're barely into this superhero thing, you're gonna make some mistakes.", Iris said, then Kara chuckled a little. "Like when you first started working here and Ms. Grant was here one day and she asked you to get her lunch since you're the assistant but you didn't know what she likes and you went to Chipotle.", Kara said, making Iris glare at her. "We promised we wouldn't talk about that.", Iris said. Kara smiled at her.

"But yes. We all make mistakes. Even worldwide mistakes.", Iris said, and Kara frowned a little. "Yeah, all those newscasts can suck it.", Mon said and Kara smiled a little. "Thanks, guys.", Kara said. "Danvers!", Snapper yelled. "That's my cue.", Kara said as she walked into Snapper's office. Then out of the elevator walked out Eddie, here for his lunch date with Iris.

"Oh, and that's my cue. See you later, Mon.", Iris said before walking towards Eddie. "Hey, babe.", She said before kissing him. Mon just watched, in silence, as Iris walked onto the elevator with Eddie, feeling an unimaginable pain that he never thought he'd feel before but he did.

"I want... an interview.", Snapper said, before taking a dramatic pause. "On Supergirl & The Blur.", He said, making Kara snicker. Snapper looked at her.

"Yes, Danvers?", Snapper asked. "Oh, um, nothing. Was just thinking about..a cat video..", Kara said, laughing, trying to play it off. Snapper gave her a weird look.

"Anyway. I want the interview by the end of the week.", Snapper said and Kara nodded, walking out of his office and walking up to Mon. "..I need to talk to Supergirl..", She told him. He nodded. "Okay.", He said.

At the DEO, they brought on a new alien murder investigation. They didn't understand what alien it was or why it was killing people but Kara did. "You're looking for a Hellgrammite. That stinger you pulled out of the body, I've seen it before on Krypton. My mother sent one of their kind to Fort Rozz.", Kara told Hank, Alex, Iris, Mon & Barry who were all gathered around the table in front of the monitors. "Well, according to the data you guys salvaged from the wreckage of Fort Rozz, there was a Hellgrammite prisoner.", Iris said. "What do we know about his species?", Hank asked. "Not much.", Iris said before pulling up what a Hellgrammite looks like up on the monitor. "It's basically a large insect but he can camouflage himself into any shape he wants. Humanoid included.", Kara said. "A giant insect trying to steal bomb-grade chemical compounds...Nicee.", Barry said, smiling. Everyone else glared at him but Kara smiled at him. Even in serious situations, Barry can always put a smile on her face.

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