nuke on national city

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Kara as Supergirl knocked down the door to see men on the ground and Indigo standing, waiting on Kara. "It's over, Indigo.", Kara said. "For the human race? I agree.", Indigo said before pressing a button. "Nuclear launch sequence activated.", a computer said. "No!", Kara yelled as the nuclear missile went off. "I calculate the death toll at 7 million. Give or take.", Indigo said before Kara flew through the glass to fly after it.


Alex came running towards Winn & J'onn after getting off the phone. "Missile's arching toward National City. ETA to target three minutes.", Winn said. "That was the White House. The president just ordered us to DEFCON 2.", Alex said.


"Barry! I'm too late! Indigo launched an ICBM at National City!", Kara exclaimed into comms. "We need to evacuate Catco and the city.", Barry said, who was still at CatCo. "There's no time. I'm on its tail. I'm going to stop it.", Kara said, as she tried to get to it faster.


Winn saw another object coming at the nuke and fast on the screen. "We got a bogey.", Winn said and J'onn looked at it. "What the hell is that?", He asked. "That's my sister.", Alex said.


Kara got closer and closer but was scared she couldn't do anything. "It won't change course. I'll use my heat vision.", Kara said. "Don't. That can make it explode.", Barry said.


"I've got Supergirl on the line.", Winn informed. "Hank. I need your help.", Kara said. "We're tracking you with the ICBM. We're gonna stop this thing, Kara. Together.", J'onn said. "You need to shut down its onboard flight computer. Keep Indigo from launching another warhead.", J'onn informed as Kara started to climb the nuke then Winn looked at Alex. "I think that I might have a way of actually shutting her down. I accidently created a pretty nasty computer virus a few years ago.", Winn said. "How nasty?", Alex asked.

"Rip off the trap door to access the flight computer.", J'onn said. "28,000 feet and dropping.", Alex said as Kara was trying to get to the trap door. "14,000 feet.", Alex said. "Input the kill code 1-1-7-4-7.", J'onn said and Kara started to put in the numbers '1-1-7' but then the wind made Kara fly away. "8,000 feet.", Alex said. "Supergirl!", J'onn exclaimed as Kara zoomed back down to the nuke. "3,000 feet.", Alex said then Kara finished out the code. The nuke dropped into the ocean. 

"Yes!", J'onn exclaimed. Kara sharply inhaled before zooming back to the base. 

"Bet you didn't calculate that.", Kara said. "There are plenty of other missiles.", Indigo said but then heard Winn's voice on comms. "Who is that you're talking to? I knew you were too stupid to be working alone.", Indigo said before grabbing a phone and putting her hand through it, grabbing Winn's throat and he started to choke. "I am beyond a body. I am beyond time and space. All I have to do is squeeze my fingers, and your friend dies. I'm invincible. I am a God.", Indigo said as Kara stared at her sternly. "No. You're just a glorified Windows Vista.", Winn said before pressing a button. Indigo let go of Winn and started to gasp in pain as she fell to the ground. 

"What have you done to me?", she asked. "I just fed you a major helping of malware. Bon appetit.", Winn said but then Indigo looked up at Kara. 

"You. You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me.", she said. "What do you mean?", Kara asked. "How do you think Fort Rozz escaped the Phantom Zone? For decades, I searched the Phantom Zone with my mind. Looking for a way out. And then I found you. I activated your pod. I linked it to the prison. I'm the reason you made it to Earth. You would still be sleeping in that timeless void, if it wasn't for me.", Indigo said before she screamed in agony, disappearing into nothing. Just dead. Kara backed up a little once she died. 

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