going back

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J'onn was looking at photos of Kara & Alex as kids with Jeremiah. Then Eliza approached him. "It's a nice photograph. Beautiful family.", J'onn told her.

"We were. So, Alex said Jeremiah saved your life. Were you with him? Were you with him at the end?", Eliza asked.

"His only thought was for you and the girls. I made him a promise. And I've been trying to keep that promise every day since.", J'onn said.

"Thank you. So, Mars, I have to ask, underneath it all, are you a little green man?", Eliza asked.

"I'm a big green man, actually.", J'onn said and Eliza smiled.

"How are you able to change form? Is it an enzyme or some other chemical catalyst your body secretes that allows you to reorganize your DNA? And how do you adjust for the change in body density? How does your respiratory system process the increased oxygen and nitrogen present in our air that-", Eliza started to ask and then J'onn started to laugh. "What? What is so funny?", Eliza asked.

"Like mother, like daughter.", J'onn said before Alex walked in, on the phone with Kara.

"Kara? Are you all right?", Alex asked her. Kara & Mon were still standing over Kelly's dead body, traumatized and shaking.

"I'm fine.", Kara said.

"You're lying.", Alex said.

"Yes. Did you reach Cadmus? Did you and Hank find your dad?", Kara asked.

"We were on our way there until we heard about all this.", Alex said.

"Where are you now?", Kara asked.

"At Mom's.", Alex said.

"Stay there. If you come to National City, Myriad will take over you too.", Kara said.

"There's no way I'm leaving you there by yourself.", Alex said.

"I'm not alone. I'm with Mon. He's been helping me. And uh, Ms. Grant.", Kara said.

"Why wasn't Cat affected?", Alex asked.

"Maxwell Lord protected her and himself.", Kara said.

"Of course he did. Kara, we never know when we can trust him.", Alex said.

"You know what? I don't really have a choice right now. You don't know what it's like here. It's my only option. I love you, Alex.", Kara said before hanging up. Then she looked at Mon and they both nodded, before heading back up to CatCo.

"Kara?", Alex asked but the phone was hung up. She sighed before looking at Eliza & J'onn. "She's working with Max to stop Non.", Alex said.

"I'm going back.", J'onn said.

"I don't think you can.", Eliza said.

"I'm not human. Myriad won't affect me.", J'onn said.

"I'm going with you.", Alex said.

"No, you're not. You're staying here where this evil can't touch you. It's what your sister wants. It's what your father would want. He still needs you.", J'onn told her.


Max was sitting on a couch while facing Kara & Mon. "Are you finally ready to do what needs to be done?", Max asked and Kara sighed.

"What's your plan?", she asked.

"Before you and I sang Kumbaya and decided to be friends, I was working on a weapon to use against the Kryptonians. All Kryptonians.", Max said.

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