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Kara & Iris' Apartment

Kara was laying on her couch, with her shirt unbuttoned, showing her Supergirl suit, eating donuts, watching the news. But revealed was Barry sitting next to her, comforting her. "What was once a symbol of hope is now a symbol of fear. Early this morning, Supergirl arrived at the scene of a crime at West National City Bank. But instead of the usual cheers, Supergirl's intervention was met with skepticism and fear. Some say Supergirl was under a mind-altering drug when she attacked the city. But she turned against our people once. The question on everyone's minds, what's to stop her from turning against us again?"

Barry turned off the TV and looked at Kara, who was trying to keep herself from having a breakdown. He frowned before kissing her on the forehead.


"Some say Supergirl was under a mind-altering drug when she attacked the city. But she turned against our people once. The question on everyone's minds, what's to stop her from turning against us again?"

Cat paused the TVs before looking at her employees. "First Sandy Bullock steals my bike at spin class and then the juice bar runs out of chard, and now this? I knew people would be slow to forgive Supergirl, but this is ridiculous. And now the crime rate in National City is up a whopping 40%.", Cat said.

"Do you think Supergirl has lost the public's trust for good?", Iris asked.

"Well, I suppose if Mel Gibson can present at the Golden Globes, then Supergirl can win the city back. This too shall pass.", Cat said and then all of her employees left. "Iria, go find me a juice bar with an abundance of chard.", Cat said and Iris nodded before walking out of the office. "And Kara, I'm assuming you don't have anything to do so please make me some tea and answer the phones if they ring, thank you.", Cat said as she was doing something but James & Mon stopped and looked at Cat.

"Uh, Ms. Grant, I already told you, Kara's out sick today.", Mon said and Cat looked at him confused.

"That was at 9 AM.", Cat said and Mon looked at her weird.

"Generally, when people are sick it lasts the whole day.", Mon said.

"Well, that is unacceptable. Who will be my Kara Danvers for today? Who will catch my tea or manage the phones when Iria isn't around?", Cat asked and both James & Mon looked at her oddly.

"I guess I will.", Mon said suddenly but then his phone went off. He looked at it to see it was a text from Siobhan. "Oh. You know, just as soon as I get back from this thing I have to do.", Mon said before leaving. Then Cat's phone rang and Cat looked up at James, who was left. He sighed annoyed before picking up the phone. "Cat Grant's office.", he said.


Mon and Siobhan were having breakfast as she ranted about Kara. "That four-eyed bitch in a kilt ruined my life.", Siobhan said.

"Look, what's, uh, what's really going on?", Mon asked.

"No one will hire me. I've sent my resume out to every media outlet in town. And when I call to follow up, they're polite on the phone until they hear my name and then, dial tone.", Siobhan said.

"That's weird. Why?", Mon asked.

"Because that blond mean girl ratted me out to the Queen of All Media.", Siobhan said.

"Oh, Siobhan, that's crazy.", Mon said.

"No. What's crazy is that I've spent my entire life trying to be a journalist, and in one fell swoop, Kara Danvers dashed all my dreams. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!", Siobhan exclaimed.

"Okay, listen. You just had a setback, okay? And you know what? All powerful people have setbacks. So, you just focus on what you really want. You know what? Once you have a goal, nothing's gonna stop you from going out and getting it.", Mon said and Siobhan nodded slowly. "You're right. Nothing can stop me. Thanks, Mike.", she said before kissing his cheek.


Barry & Kara were talking to J'onn when Winn came running in. "Guys. You need to come out here right now.", he said and they looked at eachother in worry before hurrying out. They turned the corner to see Alex, other agents surrounded by military assets. She quickly approached them to stop Barry from turning the corner.

"You can't be here.", Alex said to Barry.

"Why not?", Barry asked.

"Your ex girlfriend is here.", Alex said and Barry widened his eyes before backing up.

"Lucy?", He asked.

"Yeah. Just go work with Winn or something but don't look or be near her.", Alex said and Barry nodded before going the long way to get to Winn at the computers. Then Alex & Kara approached Lucy.

"Major Lane. What are you doing here?", Kara asked and then a man approached them.

"She's with me.", he said.

"And who are you?", Alex asked. "Colonel James Harper. United States Marines Corps. The Pentagon ordered a joint task force to investigate J'onn J'onzz's infiltration of this agency. They wanna know what he's done and who knew about it. So everyone here will be interviewed. All activities, all communications scrutinized.", Harper said.

"Sounds like a witch-hunt.", Alex said.

"This is an internal investigation done by the book to identify, remove and ultimately prosecute enemies of the state.", Lucy said.

"And you're here as our legal counsel to protect our civil rights?", Kara asked.

"She's here because this investigation required someone familiar with the players, someone the government could trust to help cut through the subterfuge.", Harper said.

"I'm concerned everyone here has been compromised by him. You should be too. Which is why we need to figure out who knew what when, and uncover anything J'onn J'onzz and his confederates were planning.", Lucy said.

"We'll deal with the question of your loyalties later. Take the Martian to the interrogation room. We start with him.", Harper said.

Investigation Room

Lucy & Harper walked in to J'onn sitting down in a chair and cuffed. "Lucy. Jim. It's nice to see you. You are looking well.", J'onn said.

"Ah, I look the same as I always have. But, obviously, looks can be deceiving. For ten years you have been in my home, you've been around my children. My children- And you haven't been who you said you were. Or what you said you were.", Harper said.

"I want you to know I intend to fully cooperate with your investigation.", J'onn said and Harper scoffed.

"What, so you can plant false thoughts in our brains? I know what you can do. And what you can't do anymore. You smell that? Smells kind of like burnt rubber, right? It's a little something my team came up with. We're generating a stasis field. It keeps you from shifting out of that body or using your powers. So I hope you like that body, J'onn J'onzz, because you're gonna be in it until I'm done with you.", Harper said.

Kara was standing next to Barry who was with Winn, as they watched the screens. "What can you hear?", Barry asked and Kara started to use her super hearing but she couldn't hear anything. Instead she heard a sharp screech and Kara grunted in pain. Barry looked at her in worry.

"What? What's wrong?", Barry asked.

"They've done something. They're blocking me out.", Kara said and they both looked at eachother in concern.

"Tell us what happened to the real Hank Henshaw.", Lucy said sternly and J'onn sighed.

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