human for a day

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"The loss of your powers is undeniably traumatic. You may feel confused, or even frightened they're lost forever. Your battle with the android drained your Kryptonian cells of their solar energy. You are now as vulnerable to your environment as any human, subject to pain, sickness, death. But have faith, Kara. Once your cells have reabsorbed sufficient radiation from Earth's yellow star, your powers should return. Do not be afraid. And until you have fully recovered, lean on those you trust. It is my deep regret that I am unable to be there with you myself, my beloved daughter. As always, my collected knowledge is at your disposal for further analysis.", The hologram of Alura had said before shutting off.

"This happens to Superman too, where he loses his powers for a couple of days, right?", Barry asked as he walked with Kara & Alex. "Yeah, but it's been two days, and I don't feel any different.", Kara said. "You're just going stir-crazy because the DEO has been testing you all weekend.", Barry said. "Now you get to go out in the real world and see what it's like to be human for a day.", Alex said and Barry looked a bit concerned about that idea. He was about to protest when Hank approached them.

"Might learn a thing or two about what it's like for the rest of us.", Hank said and they all looked at him, tensed. "How you feeling?", he asked. "Fine.", Kara said immediately but then stammered a little. "I guess.", she said before sighing. "If this is what fine feels like now.", she continued.

Alex looked up at Hank and started to talk to him normally to not let him suspect anything. "Supergirl is heading to work. Allen & I were just walking her out.", Alex said and then Hank nodded. "I'm off to deal with an unruly guest. Might need your help with him when you're done.", Hank said before walking away. "Happy to, sir.", Alex said before looking at Kara & Barry. "Nice. I'd have no idea you suspect him of anything.", Kara said. "I have to play it that way until I find out whether or not he was involved in my Dad's death.", Alex said.

"Do you really think he's involved? You've served with Hank for years.", Barry said. "And all that time, he never told me my Dad was an agent here at the DEO. Or that they were together when my Dad died.", Alex said.

"But how do you know that?", Barry asked. "Winn & Mon worked together and got some information on it and told us last night.", Kara said and Barry nodded, understanding. "Ev- Everything Hank has said to me has been a lie. I can't trust him anymore. I-I know he's hiding something.", Alex said and Kara nodded. "It's okay. We'll figure it out.", Kara said and Alex walked away, leaving just Kara and Barry.

"Well, I better go.", Kara said before attempting to leave but Barry stopped her. "Hey, are you sure it's smart to go? I mean, something could happen.", Barry said with concern in his tone and she looked at him weirdly. "Look, I know I don't know you when you're out there portraying as a human. I don't know what job you have or anything really but now, you actually are human and something could happen.", Barry explained and Kara gave him a slight smile. "I'll be fine. If it makes you feel any better, I'm gonna be with Kara part of the day.", Kara said and Barry smiled a little. "Yeah. That makes me feel a little better.", he said. "Good."

The elevator dinged open to Kara's level at CatCo. She sneezed as she walked out. "Sorry.", she muttered as she walked. She sniffled and sighed, annoyed with how the day was going already. Barry was definitely right about something happening. Then Iris walked up to her with a smile but it faded when she saw how miserable Kara looked.

"Hey...Kara. What's..happening?", Iris asked. "Oh, there was a 10-year-old on the bus with a runny nose.", Kara said as they walked to her desk. "'re late, you took the bus and, what, you have- you have a cold?", Iris asked, confused since Kara isn't human. "I blew out my powers fighting that android.", Kara said in an annoyed tone. "You what?", Iris asked. "Yeah.", Kara said. "For how long?", Iris asked. "Oh, stupid Red Tornado!", Kara exclaimed, tossing her bag on her desk. "Okay, um, I'll help figure this out.", Iris said and Kara looked at her in confusion. "How?", Kara asked. "Well. I..still have the, uh The Kryptonian bio-analytics from Alex's DEO files and Mon can help me-", Iris started to say but then Kara sneezed. "Mon is helping Alex at the DEO with a..problem. We're supposed to act like he's here still so he won't get fired. I guess he likes it here or something.", Kara said and Iris started to smile to herself, knowing that Mon liked working because she was there with him. Kara glanced up at Iris and smiled a little, knowing who put that smile on Iris' face. They heard Cat's elevator open so they all walked up towards Iris' desk and that's when Kara sneezed again and Cat stopped in disgust.

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