her confession

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Even though they had won the day, Peter was sad. He still didn't know how to get back to his Earth. But to make his sadness worse, he was looking at a picture of his sweet, tough, but beautiful girlfriend, Emma. He missed everything about her. Her pretty smile. Her gorgeous blonde hair. But especially her eyes. The outside of her eyes were blue as the inside was green. It was like the world. And everytime he would look into them, it was like staring into the world. But it was his world. "She's pretty." Peter looked beside him to see Kara.

"Oh. Yeah. Um. This is- Uh- my girlfriend. Emma.", Peter said with sadness in his voice.

"Oh. The one you keep mentioning?", Kara asked.

"That's her.", Peter said.

"Don't worry. We will find something out to get you back. I swear. If you could've figured it out on your Earth. I'm sure we can figure it out here.", Kara said and Peter smiled.

"You know, for an alien, you're very kind. All the aliens I've met are total doucheheads.", Peter said and Kara laughed. "And I think Barry Allen thinks that too.", Peter said.

"What makes you say that?", Kara asked with an obvious embarrassed grin.

"You remember before when I told you to take things slow? That's good advice for a superhero, lousy advice for two people who really love each other. Maybe it's time to speed things up.", Peter said and Kara slowly nodded.

"Maybe.", Kara said but then a portal opened up. Peter & Kara stared at it for quite a while, confused and curious on who would walk out. Then the girl who Peter has been missing, walked out of it.

"Emma!", he exclaimed. She placed her eyes on his and a smile of relief expressed.

"Oh- Peter!", she exclaimed before they ran at eachother into a tight hug. Then Emma glanced at Kara, who was smiling that Peter reunited with his girlfriend and was able to go home. "There's a Kara Danvers here?", Emma asked Peter.

"Yeah! I thought she was you at first! It had me freaked!", Peter exclaimed and Emma chuckled before giving him a look.

"Well, we are related-", Emma started to say but then Peter covered her mouth. He then slowly looked at Kara, who was taken back at what Emma had said.

"Well. She's been here for two seconds and she's already said too much.", Peter said before pushing Emma back into the portal.

"Uhm. Well. Since you're from the future. And she said that she's related to me. I'm just not gonna ask anything. And find out about it myself.", Kara said.

"Good idea.", Peter said but then Kara smiled.

"Don't do anything stupid, kid.", Kara said.

"No promises.", Peter said before walking into the portal and it closed. "Bye. Peter.", she said.

Kara & Iris' Apartment

There was a knock at the door and Kara quickly answered it to see Barry standing there. She softly smiled at him and same to him when they saw one another. "Hey, come in.", Kara said then he walked in, quite nervously.

"So, did, uh, did Peter make it home?", Barry asked.

"Yes, I think. I hope so. Uh- I- I just wanted to talk to you about infinite Earths.", Kara said nervously.

"Infinite Earths?", Barry asked.

"Yeah. Uh, Peter was saying-", Kara started to say.

"Peter was saying?", Barry asked.

"Yeah, Peter was explaining to us that there's an infinite number of Earths and they all vibrate at different speeds so they can occupy the same place, but never actually come into contact with each other. The point is, if two of these infinite Earths can manage to find a way to vibrate at the exact same speed, maybe- Maybe there's a chance they could be together.", Kara said then nervously looked up at Barry.

"Kara- What are you trying to say?", he asked and right then, it seemed he was gone. Like he was in a trance.

"Um. I'm uh saying that I- I know I shouldn't be saying this. And I know I should most definitely be working on myself but it's quite obvious to everyone, and I just can't pretend anymore, Barry..because it's true. I do. I love you, Barry....I'm in love with you.", Kara said but she noticed he wasn't doing anything. Or saying anything. Or even smiling. That worried Kara. "Barry?", Kara asked but then Barry suddenly walked out of the apartment. She followed him quickly but to see her neighbors doing the exact same thing. "Barry!", Kara exclaimed. She then looked back in her apartment and saw Iris walking out in the exact same way as the others. "Iris?", she asked before running to the window and saw everyone in National doing the exact thing. "Oh my God."


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