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After Barry realized something was going on with him, he went to STAR and told them. They started experiencing tests. One was of seeing how fast he can run, he brought Iris to this.

"Okay, Barry. I can't just drop everything I was doing in National City to come to something 'important'.", Iris said. "Trust me, Iris. This is important.", Barry said. "Okay fine.", Iris said.

"See. You thought the world was slowly down. It wasn't. You were moving so fast it only looked like everyone else was standing still. Dr. Wells will monitoring your energy output, and Caitlin your vitals.", Cisco said. Iris slightly raised her arm.

"I still don't know what I'm doing here.", She said. "Trust me. You'll understand soon.", Barry said.

Once he started to run, Iris slowly stood up. "How- How is he doing that?", Iris asked. They were all amazed how fast he was going. Then he crashed and they all cringed.

When he got checked out by Caitlin, Iris truly understood what was happening. That night changed him. Into something else. They started to walk out to get back to National City.

"Iris. Can you do something for me?", Barry asked. "Yeah. What is it?", Iris asked. "Don't tell Kara about this.", Barry said. "Barry. I literally live with her. How do you expect me to not say anything?", Iris asked. "Iris. Please. This thing could get me into trouble and I would probably physically die if Kara got hurt.", Barry said.

"Well I don't know about that-", Iris thought.

"Fine. But only for you.", Iris said.

They got back to Kara's apartment and started playing games and drinking wine, that was when Barry realized he can't get drunk.

"Iris. Can I talk to you?", Kara asked. They walked to the other room, where Barry couldn't hear.

"Okay. You can't tell Barry I'm Supergirl.", Kara said. Iris widened her eyes.

"What?!", Iris exclaimed softly. "There's so much already happening and he could get hurt so easily being human. He can't heal quickly.", Kara said.

"..don't jinx that Danvers.", Iris thought.

"He's my brother.", Iris said. "Please.", Kara said. Iris hesitated to say something.

"Uh- er- um- okay-", Iris said. Kara grinned and hugged Iris. "Thank you.", Kara said before going back into the living room. "God. What did I get myself into?", Iris whispered to herself.

A couple days later, Kara & Barry were walking around Central City. "So. Iris & Eddie?", Barry asked. "Yeah. I know. It's crazy, right?", Kara asked. "Yeah.", He said, then looked at her. " you have..did you get a boyfriend while I was in a coma? Like..Mike?", Barry asked. Kara looked at him. "Why would you think I was in a relationship with Mike?", Kara asked. "I don't know. You guys just seem close.", Barry said. She kinda laughed. "We're not. And we're close because he is so in love with Iris it's actually kinda funny and I ship it. Badly.", Kara said. "He's also my friend..but, a boyfriend. We started dating right before you woke up.", Kara said. Barry looked at her. "What?", He asked. "He's my boss's son. Adam Grant.", She said. He stared at her. Feeling hurt. He wasn't understanding why. "But he's not here right now. He's actually on a business trip!", Kara exclaimed quickly. She didn't know why she had to make sure he knew that, but she did. Then they heard a bunch of cop cars coming at them and a cop car was about to hit Kara. Everything slowed down again. He suddenly grabbed her and ran them away from harm. Barry & Kara both breathed heavily at what just happened and looked at what was going on. It was a car, driving fast. Kara recognized him. It was Voltrax again.

"Rao.", she muttered. "Hey. I..He was from before..", Barry said. Kara ran off with her speed. Barry turned around to find her gone again.

"Kara? Kara?!", Barry exclaimed. He looked back at the car again and ran after him with his speed. As he ran, he saw a shadow flying about him. He looked up and saw Supergirl. She didn't see him running. But he caught up to the car and ran into the car. Voltrax looked at him and Barry was a little scared.

"You're's looks scary..", Barry said. Voltrax got mad.

"Oh shoot."  Barry muttered. He then grabbed the wheel and turned it so the car flipped over. Kara gasped and flew faster at the car. Voltrax immediately got out of the car as Barry struggled to. Kara landed on her feet by the car to help whoever was trying to get out and was surprised to see Barry.

"Uh..B- sir? Are you okay?", Kara exclaimed. Barry looked up at Supergirl.

"He's-He's getting away.", Barry said. Kara looked at Voltrax.

"Voltrax!", Kara yelled. Voltrax turned around and saw her and saw Barry slowly getting up behind her. "You've taken this too far.", Kara said. She was ready to fight but he just smirked and leaped away. She didn't care about him as much as she cared about Barry. She turned around and he was gone. She crinkled her eyebrows.

"Where is he?", she mumbled. She flew back into the air and went back to where Barry was before she flew off. There was already police there. She decided to get a interview from them. She heard Joe yelling at Barry & Iris, who randomly showed up at the scene as it happened.

"Joe. I need to talk to you.", Barry said. At first he refused.

"Joe.", Barry said. Kara walked up to them, crossing her arms, all eyes were on her.

"Detective.", Kara said. "Supergirl.", Joe said. "Let Mr. Allen and I talk to you.", Kara said. He walked over to them. 

"Joe, it wasn't human.", Barry said. "Sure.", Joe said. Kara cleared her throat. Joe looked at her.

"You don't believe him? That he wasn't human? That it's impossible ?", Kara asked. Joe nodded.

"Look at me. My cousin. We're from a different planet and you can't seem to think this is possible.", Kara said. "I realize that, Supergirl but-", Joe started to say. "No butts. I'm the impossible. So if you say you don't believe, take a good look at me.", Kara said. She then looked at Barry.

"Be safe next time.", She said before flying off. Barry smiled as he watched her fly away.

"Whatever.", Joe said before walking away and Iris walked over. "Isn't She great?", Barry asked. "Yeah- wait what?", Iris asked. "Don't you like Kara?", She asked. "What? Psh. No.", Barry said. Iris gave him a look. He frowned.

"I shouldn't.", Barry said. "Why? She's great.", Iris said. "One person. Adam Grant. Whoever that is.", Barry said. Iris put her hand on his shoulder.

"If it makes you feel better, no one except Cat Grant likes him.", Iris said. Barry slightly smiled. "Supergirl reminds me of Kara so much.", Barry said. Iris choked on her breath. "Are you good?", Barry asked. Iris nodded. "Mhm."

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