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The next morning, Tony watched TV as he waited to hear the little feet of Peter. After a lil' while he heard Peter's little feet run up the hallway getting closer. Tony smiled softly before he looked behind him to see Peter was right on the couch arm."Howdy!" The boy said with a bright smile.

Tony smiled at the young boy. "Morning" Tony said. The five-year-old climbed over the couch arm and over to Tony's side. He snuggled into the old man. Tony was confused about how this kid wasn't afraid of him. How he wasn't following the stranger danger rule. It made no sense.

Tony allowed the kid to do so, and Tony put an arm around this kid's shoulders.


Tony couldn't believe he had to bring this kid down to the lobby to a not so respectful teacher. He had to bring this kid on weekdays. Why couldn't this kid go to a regular school? He'd love it. Maybe, it's cause of his abilities. Tony sighed as he placed this kid down. Peter immediately ran to his two kid friends.

Tony smiled as he watched these three kids play together friendly. "This isn't an elder home, Mr.Stark" a female spatter out from behind. The devil. He turned around to see Mrs.Donlley. "I'd love for you to leave" she exclaimed sternly. Tony didn't want to be here anymore then she wanted him there, but he was gonna protest.

He stood in place. His arms crossed around his chest. "You a bratty child" The woman added. Tony sarcastically gasped. "Me? A brat? NAHHHH! You though, ARE AN ANGEL!" Tony said in a sarcastic voice. Everyone and I mean everyone, knows Mr.Tony Stark is a sarcastic person.

"Listen, I demand you to go. In less, you want that lil' mutant of yours to see his idol get arrested for trespassing" the teacher said with an evil smirk plastered on her face. Trespassing?

"So your gonna lie if I don't leave?" Tony asked.

"Lie? It wouldn't exactly be a lie" she said.

Tony made a death glare at the teacher as the teacher did the same to him. After a while, a man in the lobby noticed the two. "What's wrong?" he asked coming closer to the two. Mrs.Donlley scoffed as she walked over to the children, not even a word was spoken. The man turned to Tony, and his eyes went wide. "Tony Stark?" he asked.

Tony nodded as he kept his eye on Peter. "How can I help you?" the man asked. Tony didn't respond for a bit. "Um- is there by any chance I can stay until daycares over?" Tony asked.

"Yes! Yes, you may!" the man said. Tony nodded 'thank you' as he walked closer to Peter. The boy was playing with two kids as a shadow was towering over him. Peter and the two kids look up to see the adult man staring at them. Peter laughed. "Mr.Stark" he giggled out. Peter jumped into Tony's arms and gave him a small hug. "I thought you left," Peter said.

"Well, I was able to stick around for the day. Is that okay?" Tony asked. Peter nodded with his goofy facial expression. "Oh! Mr.Stark, this is Ned and Mary Jane. We call her MJ for short!" Peter said gesturing to his friends. Tony waves at them with one hand as he carried Peter in the other. The boy and girl looked at Tony with awe. Was this Tony Stark on TV? You know, children don't have short attention spans when it comes to what they like.

"You wanna play?" Peter asked Tony handing an action figure to Tony. Tony smiled as he saw the other two kids jumping up and down. "Sure," Toby said accepting the action figure. He never played with action figures when he was young so he made sure to follow the kids instructions.

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