Chapter 5

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"I do not understand. How were you in love but never had a boyfriend?" Kyle always wondered about Danielle's love life well her life in general, she does not speak much about herself 'Why?'.

"Well long story short, the boy I fell in love with did not feel the same way about me." Danielle remembered the moment she was rejected; humiliation and sadness was the only emotion she felt for days.

"Holy crap! You must have felt awful. So how long did you...."

"1 year" Danielle answered before Kyle could complete his question.

"Can you explain what happened?" Kyle sensed Danielle hesitation to his question, but he needed answers. Tammie, Izzy and Willow already knew the story, they stood by Danielle every step of the way.

"I met him through a cousin, he was new in town. When I first met him, he was funny and sweet, I seen something in him. Time went by and we became close, I started to like him, and he acted like a gentleman I mean he treated me like how a girl should be treated but one day I found out he had a girlfriend." Danielle began to hesitate, was it necessary for Kyle to know her story?

"Go on sugarplum, it's time you told someone and move on." Tammie reassured Danielle.

"He ignored me for months. One day, I decided to have dinner at a restaurant with some friends little did I know, he was going to be there. He was with his family, he decided to come by my table and chat, then he announced he was single again and of course I was young, and a fool to believe him." A tear escape and ran down Danielle's cheek. Kyle can only imagine Danielle's heartbreak.

"We began to communicate with each other again. I think he loved me at some point or he was a good of an actor. Things started to escalate quickly, we started to hang out and shared many secrets. I thought he was going to make it official and ask me to be his girlfriend, but I was wrong." More tears started to flow down Danielle's face.

"He told me I was not his type and I should leave him alone. I was confused, heartbroken and sad. I had no way of communicating with him. I just wanted to know understand what he did. Days went by and I haven't heard from him. Late one night he texted me practically ending whatever we had." Danielle was now infuriated with the memory.

"The following day, I saw him with a girl. I wanted to cry, scream, pull my hair out anything you can imagine. I had seen a future with him, but I guess he didn't. He came up to me and declared his love for the other girl and he hope to never see me again, I was devastated; Months after the incident I decided to move on but to never fall in love again" Danielle vow shocked Kyle.

"Danielle you cannot shut yourself down because of one bad relationship?" Kyle retorted.

"Kyle you do not understand what I went through, he hurt me, and he did it on purpose. I tried to talk to boys after too, but they were just the same has him. People only want to use me Kyle! I'm sorry but I just can't go through the same pain again. Just look at me, my life is a mess, I'm not like other girls, I'm short and fat, I don't understand myself sometimes. I'm broken Kyle, No one wants a broken person." Danielle said while tear ran down her face.

"Danielle, I finally understand your side of the story, but I do not think every man is the same. There is someone for you out there, he's probably looking for you. You are beautiful and not fat, whoever told you that deserves a punch in the face." Kyle attempted to encourage Danielle.

"You don't have to be nice to me, you can speak the truth, well I guess you would have to punch my ex." Kyle was furious, how can someone say such things to a young girl; Kyle seen how broken Danielle was, but he wanted to help her.

"Don't say that Danielle. You are beautiful and kind. Forget about Zac......." Willow was quickly interrupted by Danielle's wrath.

"Please don't say his name, I just want to forget about him. I wished I never met him" Danielle said through sobs.

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