Chapter 21

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"Nice to meet you Alex" Danielle shook his hand with a smile, Darius was screaming on the inside. The man who stood in front of him was the caused of the death of his beloved, Abbigail. Darius knew it was not only Alex fault but he still played a big part in the accident with the building.

"May I ask your name beautiful?" Alex asked with a dazzling smile which showed his straight pearl teeth. Alex was a very handsome man, he had brown curly hair with brown eyes to match and pale skin; he was not as tone as Darius but he still was well shaped.

"My name is Danielle" Darius was becoming angrier with Alex presence, He and Danielle needed to get out of here, they were wasting time chatting with Alex.

"Danielle, we need to go" Darius whispered.

"Oh yes, it was a pleasure meeting you Alex......wait can I have a phone call?"

"Sure, anything for you?" Alex said with a wink. He then passed the phone to Danielle who tried calling Willow, Tammie and Izzy but they did not answer.

"I can't get a hold of them, you try" Danielle passed the phone to Darius.

"Damian! I'm in Russia. I need a favor" Darius walked far away from Danielle and Alex for a bit, he was not sure if Alex can be trusted.

"What brings you to Russia?" Danielle asked Alex.

"I'm an architect and my client want to build out here."

"I'm an architect also!"

"Awesome. Are you working with Darius?"

"No, why would I work with?"

"He is an engineer and I used to work with him."

"Really, he never told me that. Why aren't' you guys still working together?"

"We had an accident that caused the life of Darius Fiancé."

"What kind of accident?"

"The building fell and the owner was not happy and decided to seek revenge. Darius fired me before Chris did anything to me but Darius was not very lucky."

"Chris Fuentes?"

"Yeah, do you know him?"

"Something like that"

"Are you in trouble with him?"


"You need to leave right now! He's going to be here in three hours!"

"How do you know that?"

"My boss is a friend of his. I also was planning to go to an auction."

"Are you working for a drug lord?"

"I cannot tell you that Danielle"

"Alex it was nice meeting but I need to go!"

"Wait Danielle... I can help you"


"I will have a driver take you to the airport, my private jet will take you to Greece."

"How can you afford a private jet?"

"Don't you worry about it. I know I just met you but I cannot let you and Darius get killed by Chris. Greece is Darius hometown, you will be safe there until you can return to USA.

"How do you know I'm from the United stated?"

"You have an American accent!"

"Alright, I see your point"

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