Chapter 29

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"Do not be frightened I am not here to kill you" Chris said with a smile.

"I highly doubt you have the heart to let us live" Darius retorted standing face to face with Chris blocking him from Danielle.

"I do love my sister well.... I did a long time ago" Chris commented.

"What are you doing here Chris?"

"Darius...... I have some secrets about your past lover."


"Yes, I'm pretty sure Danielle has told you some 'stuff' about her but I have come to explain everything and to finally have closure!" Chris gestured to a small secluded restaurant next to the bridge. Darius and Danielle followed Chris and seated in front of him.

"I know you heard about Abbigail relationship with Nixon and her death"

"I heard, what else is there to be told?"

"Abbigail is my sister"

Darius and Danielle remained silent sporting an utterly shocked and pale face.

"Abbigail did love you Darius. She kept rambling about you until Nixon came along.... things then got complicated."

"You knew?" Darius asked.

"No. Abbigail never mentioned you or Nixon in her last days. I asked many times about her relationship with you but Abbigail would dodge the question. She was supposed to run away with Nixon."

"This is just stupendous news!" Darius furiously exclaimed, Danielle would feel a slight pain in the hurt despite Abbigail was dead she still had an effect on Darius and will always have. Danielle wondered if she could be in a relationship with someone who still secretly loved their ex. Her answer was no but she will remain silent for now until the end of the story.

"Calm down Darius the story is still not over, Anyways.... their plan did not end well. Abbigail was not raped or killed by the Irish, she was never raped! Xavier killed her."

"WHAT!" Danielle yelled.

"Danielle can you please tone it down!" Chris whispered.

"I sat in a car for hours with a murderer!" Danielle began to weep.

"You're sitting with one right now!' Chris retorted.

"That is not making the situation better! Wait... why were you with Xavier" Darius asked Danielle.

"Well he kind of.... bailed us out of jail" Danielle said in a low voice.

"What on earth were you doing in jail?!" Darius asked/yelled.

"That is a long story.......... Nicole, Kyle's ex thought we stole some of her jewelry in Paris."

"Why did Kyle not tell me about this" Darius mumbled to himself. Danielle heard the words, he was going to leave her since she was not so innocent. She was prepared for this moment. Danielle silently waited for the words of rejection.

"Alright, I will finish my story and then you two can continue your feud or whatever later" Chris commented.

"Nixon was supposed to be in the car not Abbigail, she was supposed to come to my house and not Nixon's apartment but things changed the sniper shot Abbigail. Nixon did not know about you until recently but Xavier and Xeon did. They were the ones who changed her biopsy documents" Chris said glancing at Darius who hung his head.

"So, Xavier was looking out for you Darius" Danielle whispered.

"He was avoiding further death" Chris retorted.

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