Chapter 12

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Kyle was already in Italy and checked into to the hotel, he wondered about the girls and the man who accompanied them, Xavier. Kyle swore to always be their side in every moment of this trip but he failed. Xavier and Xeon where new to Kyle which he wondered how these two were related to the girls, what did he missed; Kyle been investigating Xavier for the past hour and only found business and relationship information but nothing to the girls.

What he did find that Xavier was married for three years and had child who was 2. Xavier had recently filed for a divorce and sued his wife, Pamela for child abuse and about 3 months ago she was placed in jail for 15 years and officially divorced. Ryder, Xavier and Pamela's 2-year-old son, is fully living with Xavier and is the next heir to XW Insurance Company.

How did Xavier or Xeon know Danielle, Willow, Izzy and Tammie? Kyle immediately became angry and jealous but also scared that Tammie is traveling with someone he does not know and his intentions towards the girls. Kyle picked up his phone and once again called Darius who picked up on the last ring.

"What do you need now!"

"A hello would've been more pleasant Darius."

"How can I help you?"

"I been investigating Xavier for the past hours and I haven't found any info to the girls!"

"Interesting......could one of them be some sort of relative?"

"I don't know, they never mentioned his name before."

"Here is what I think they have a very close relationship with him or they're completely stupid to get in a car with a stranger."

"It's the first choice!"


"Because they're not stupid!"

"My dear cousin you are blinded with love!"

"Am not exactly sure yet but I don't see what's your problem with relationships!"

"You know why Kyle!"

"Don't you think it's time to move on from Abigail. She's been gone for five years now."

"Kyle leave my love life ALONE! It's none of your concerns."

"I know but I want to help you. You've been mourning her death for a long time now."

"Kyle, I know you want to set me up with one of the girls, I am going to decline your help."

"Forget my offer Darius I want to truly help you."


"Will you be able to come Italy or not?"

"Sadly, I won't. I have multiple business meetings to attend"

"Well see you Greece Darius"

"Farewell Kyle, until Greece we will meet again." Darius ended the call with cousin. The mentioned of Abigail brought many memories of his sweet, innocent and fragile Abigail. She was everything to him, despite being 21 at the time, they planned to be with together until death do them apart. Abigail was taken from him ending his dreams of a family together soon. Darius lost everything the day Abigail was kidnapped and was shortly raped to death.

Darius and Abigail were on their way to the inauguration of Darius newest investment The Zeus Hotel in New York City. Half way their a car smashed into Darius SUV which flipped over. Abigail was then snatched from her seat and taken to another car leaving Darius half conscious. Abigail has disappeared for 2 weeks until one Friday morning the day Darius was released from the hospital who suffered from a head injury and was in a coma for 10 days, he received a call confirming Abigail was found in Central Park bruised, bloody cuts, raped and dead. She was his world and happiness but that day it all vanished.

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