Chapter 25

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The night was dark and held many mysteries. Some people are afraid of the dark; No one knows what is hiding in the dark or is there really monsters in the dark like what parents would tell their kids tucking them into bed. Chris took comfort with darkness, his past was dark, his job is dark, Abbigail was his light but his beloved sister is now dead. The only monster Chris knew who lived in the dark was his soul.

Chris leaned back in his chair drinking his favorite whiskey. No light, just darkness his office, it reminded him of his soul. He was empty, lonely, cruel it was just......dark. Violence, lust, wrath, envy and pride filled his heart.

Violence was always in Chris life, he was born into the mafia. His father was once the boss until he was to old run the mafia. Since Chris took his first breath, he was surrounded by death from his men and the others.

Lust, one the seven mortal sins consumed his. Chris lust for power and money. You would expect Chris to be satisfied with what he already had but he no longer had control of himself, he will always feel the need to want more then what is needed.

Wrath entered his soul after the death of Abbigail. She was not supposed to die, the contract between him and Nixon was clear, Abbigail would marry Darius Thanos. The Irish mafia killed her according to the file but Chris knew whose fault it was, Xavier Williams. Chris does not know the real reason why he did it but Xavier was always envious of his brother, that is where envious entered Chris world.

He envied Xavier who had the perfect well not so perfect family and marriage anymore. The teenage Chris imagined himself at his current age he would be married and father of two children but in reality, he was just a bitter, cruel, heartless 27-year-old surrounded by darkness.

Finally pride. Pride is what killed his father. Chris was not prideful but he acted in front of his enemies. He put his men before any other. Chris no longer had his family, his mother died many years ago from cancer, his father was murdered by his enemy, the Irish. Abbigail did not deserve to die, although she did cheat on Darius but her heart was purer than his but she still had the chance to make up for her mistakes, Chris on the other hand was almost fully consumed by darkness. Abbigail death was the last thread that kept Chris from losing his sanity.

Lucas then entered the room, he could see the outline of his boss sitting in the chair. No lights were on but the moonlight made its way into the house. Chris noticed Lucas standing by the door, he was angry and threw the glass at Lucas head. Lucas seen it coming, dodging the glass Lucas looked at the wall that know had a new stain, he mumbled some curses.

"What. Do. You. Want!" Chris said through gritted teeth.

"You are supposed to be on your way to Moscow!"

"Well guess what......I'm not going!"

"You have too!"

"Don't argue with me Lucas!"

"This your chance to get revenge on the Willia......"

"I don't want to give them a quick death but a long, painful excruciating one!"

"You are very dramatic, is it necessary for you to kill them?"

"Abbigail is dead because of them!"

"And? That was a long time ago."

"Lucas get out!"

"I am not your second hand right now but your best friend. Revenge is not the answer."

"Then what do I do?"

"Forgive them"


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