Chapter 27

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"Watch your tongue brother!" Nixon said furiously.

"You are no brother of mines!" Xavier retorted.

"Nixon and Xavier, please contain yourself!" Xeon stood in the middle of his brothers.

Xavier was risking his life and his sons, Xeon needed to remind Xavier of Nixon. He showed no mercy, heartless, cold, prideful, the mafia was his life. Nixon only once in his life felt love and it was Abbigail, who taught him such emotion.

"Let's be civil in public" Xeon said in a low voice. Nixon walked ahead of his brothers, leading the way to the hotel room, Xeon and Xavier followed behind. All three brothers sat in the room, staring at each other with such intensity.

"The auction will soon begin" Nixon announced.

"What does the auction have to do with us?" Xeon asked.

"Chris has something that belongs to me"

"More like someone?" Xeon retorted.

"Or someone's" Xavier replied.

"What do you mean he has more than one?" Nixon asked.

"Well he has someone else as a prisoner" Xeon said with sadness in his voice.


"Danielle Johnson, it seems she has won a spot in Darius heart" Xavier said with a scowl.

"This auction keeps getting better, you will kill him in front of her!" Nixon said glancing at Xavier.

"Don't you think you are passing the line" Xavier asked.

"I have no boundaries dear brother."

"Of course, you don't" Xavier mumbled.

"I don't get it Nixon, why do you want to kill Darius, he did not know about you and Abbigail plus he was with her before you" Xeon stated.

"Who was first does not matter but who she belongs to" Nixon retorted.

"You're still grieving of a dead person! How do you know she loved him more than you? Explain to me brother, why is his death so important?!" Xavier asked with a smirk.

"I won't repeat again, Watch. Your. tongue." Nixon said through gritted teeth.

"If I am going to kill an innocent life I deserve to know why!" Xavier yelled.

"Not every death has a reason Xavier"

Xavier was confused with Nixon's actions; did he just want to kill just to do it or was he jealous Darius had won Abbigail's heart first. But if Abbigail choose Nixon why would he be jealous of Darius. Xavier wondered what his brother was planning, one thing was for sure he was not going to kill Darius, Nixon is smart he must want something more powerful that Darius has. His company? Xavier thought not, Nixon was rich has it is.

"Xeon you will kill Chris" Nixon stated.

A lightbulb went off in Xavier's head, Nixon was trying to get rid of anything related to Abbigail, he was still grieving and this was his way of showing it, through violence and death. Stupid right? The world was already corrupted and sinful but why make the world worst?

"I finally understand now Nixon"

"You are still heartbroken from her death, this is your way of grief, annihilating anyone that was in her life. You should be ashamed of yourself!" Xavier commented.

"I see you have a brain brother"

"And I have a soul" Nixon and Xavier scowled at each other.

"I am sick and tired of this foolishness, Xavier and Nixon we are better can we act like sibling from now on?!" Xeon commented.

"We are half-brothers!" Nixon replied.

"Xeon, Nixon well never show brotherly love to us he is to consume in darkness, there is no hope in him to change, Abbigail ruined him!"

"She did not!" Nixon yelled.

"You never treated so horrible until you met her, you change for her and it was not a good change!" Xavier stated.

"You blamed us for your mother and fathers ending, remember Nixon we did not choose to come in this world and your mom did not choose to die. Don't take out your emoting on us!"

"I agree with Xavier, we did not do anything wrong to you!" Xeon said.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Xavier and Xeon remained quiet until Nixon spoke again.

"If you could not kill Darius and Chris, I will do it!" Nixon stated leaving his brothers in the room speechless, Nixon from now on will do his own dirty work.


Izzy sat on the side of the bed hugging her kegs, chin on her knees. She watched butterflies and birds sitting on the window, they were beautiful. A beauty no other can possess, Izzy wished she had wings like the creatures outside, she wanted to spread her wings and fly away.

She wanted to fly far from reality but that was impossible. She had Danielle and Darius back but her mind was at no rest. She wondered about Xavier and Xeon, Izzy really liked Xavier, he was quite different. It was not the child and marriage part that bothered her instead it was the idea he never liked her back and just wanted to use her for Darius or Kyle.

Izzy stood up and walked to the window, she opened and stuck out her finger for a butterfly to land one. Miraculously one did, it was an albino butterfly, so plain but held so much elegance. She then let the butterfly fly way, closing the window again and head to the door.

"I will fly away one day" She whispered.

Izzy walked outside to the group who enjoying their time at the pool, the boys were busy grilling burgers and the girls were setting up the table and squeezing lemons. Izzy noticed Danielle was missing.

"Where is Danielle?"

"By the garden" Tammie replied.

Izzy walked to the hidden garden, Danielle sat against a tree staring off to who knows what world Izzy did not say a word instead she walked over to Danielle and sat beside her, enjoying the serene environment mother nature has to offer. Birds chirped, the bees buzz, ladybugs and butterflies flew around. Once again Izzy wished she had wings.

"It's calm and peaceful" Izzy commented.

"It is always calm before the storm" Danielle replied.

"Do you sense a storm coming?"

"I don't but they do" Danielle said pointing to the creatures in the garden.

"But do you mean an actual storm or is it literal?"


A storm is coming, bigger then what is expected and unexpected, who will survive and who will not, this world is not easy but fill with obstacles and loss. Death is not the human's greatest lost but what they loss while living. Would you let your boundaries you built of fear forsake your future? Or shall you break the boundaries of fear to live?

Izzy wings was ready to fly away but her heart was not, instead her heart told her to confront not run. Many are not living their dreams because of fear, fear keeps us tied down, fear becomes our limits. What you are afraid to do was the answer on what you need to do.





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