Chapter 35

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"In 36 hours you will start your new job!" Tammie squealed.

"It's exciting and also scary." Danielle retorted. The girls and Kyle sat at a table in a coffee shop at Miami international airport.

"Who wouldn't? you're going to a different country with a different culture on the other side of the world. I hope you enjoy your time out there and maybe bring back an Arab for me." Kyle said earning him a punch in the arm from Tammie.

"I might be sweet but don't push my buttons!" Tammie threatened.

"I was joking babe" Kyle retorted.

"Babe? Totally unexpected." Izzy commented.

"Since Danielle is following her dreams.... what are the rest of us going to do?" Willow asked.

"Well I think we should expand the clinic" Tammie suggested.

"That's actually a great idea!" Danielle commented.

"Maybe we should. Izzy we would like to hear your opinion" Willow stated.

"I say we do it!" Izzy commented.

"This is our year!" Kyle yelled.

"No need to yell, we are in a public area" Izzy stated.

Danielle looked at her watch and realized it was time for her to enter the waiting room. She was scared but excited about the new memories to come. She wondered if Tammie, Willow, and Izzy will be alright. Danielle knew they were independent when it came to financial and social aspects but they were dependent on each other emotionally. What if Izzy was to endure heartbreak, how will Danielle help her? It was scary to leave but at some point, they were going to live separately with their husbands and kids.

It was time that the girls spread their wings and fly away to new experiences. Tammie was happy Danielle finally was chasing her dreams and not letting the past dictate her future. What happens in the past should stay in the past. We cannot change our mistakes but we can learn and better ourselves for the future. Danielle was not a girl who was interested in boys, she always wanted to be independent, at some point of our lives we want to be loved by a significant other and maybe that's what Danielle needed for a while. Tammie silently Thanked Darius for coming along the adventure even though they ended on bad terms but he made Danielle realized that she is beautiful and she can be loved. Maybe they were not meant to be together but their relationship was probably the road to their final destination. Who knows what's in store for the future.

Willow was curious about future events. Was this the calm before the storm since there was no drama and everything was.... well calm and happy. Or maybe she was just being paranoid from a month ago. The trip was not horrible but the opposite, it had it's up and down but Willow would like to return to Europe one day but to other countries maybe Iceland, Denmark or even Scotland. Maybe she should plan another trip!

Izzy was lost she did not want to separate from the girls just yet. Obviously, she still had Tammie and Willow. But who will be next to leave? What if Danielle likes it out there and decided to live there in the future. Izzy hated that she had no idea what will happen, she could not prepare for the storm since she did not know what type of storm it was. Life is complicated or is it really? Maybe us humans makes it more complicated and hard then it supposed to be. Heck, who knows?

Kyle could have stopped smiling. He only knew the girls for a short time but he grew to love them and their foolish ways. Who knew he would've been part of the family. Kyle never believed in love at first sight until the day Tammie walked in the apartment building along with Danielle, Izzy, and Willow. Kyle always had a weird sensation to be near them and protect them, it was a stronger feeling for Tammie. Kyle felt like Tammie is his other half maybe it was time he expresses his love for her. He had shared a bit of his feeling but he has not told her the 'I love you and I want to be with you forever.

"Guys I need to leave or will miss my flight!" Danielle exclaimed.

"I'm going to cry!" Tammie replied with tears in her eyes.

"Me too!" Willow stated.

"I'm not going to cry but Danielle I will strongly miss your stupidity!" Izzy retorted.

"Uhm...thanks Izzy" Danielle replied.

"Alright group hug" They all gathered together for their final group hug. Minutes passed and Danielle needed to leave so she let go of her friends.

Danielle told her goodbyes and waved at the one last time. She entered the waiting room and five minutes later she was boarding the plane. Danielle sat down next to the window. Danielle was too deep in thought to notice a very handsome man sitting next to her.

"Hello, what is your name?"

"Huh?" Danielle turned around and noticed a very attractive young man sitting in the seat next to her. She thanked the Lord that it was not an annoying kid but the Lord gave her something better.

"I asked for your name"

"Oh sorry I.... I was just th...thinking" Danielle stumbled upon her words.

"Are you scared of flying?"



"Yeah and my name is Danielle, Danielle Johnson"

"I'm Arthur Davis"

"Nice to meet you, Arthur!"

"It's an honor to meet you Danielle, so what brings you on this trip?"

"Oh you know.... just a girl who wants to spread her wings and fly away!"

"The sky is the limit" Danielle smiled at Arthur for he was right for the sky was the limit.

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