Chapter 34

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"Danielle when were you planning on telling us?" Izzy asked.

"I don't know...tomorrow maybe." Danielle replied.

"Everyone needs to calm down, Danielle you should've told us sooner since we are family. Izzy, Tammie, and Willow, it's not only Danielle's fault, but you guys were distant also, so let's finished our storytelling and then we figure this out." Kyle stated. Izzy decided it was her turn and began from the beginning.

"When the first shots were fired all four of us ducked to the floor and I was watching Xeon because his attention was on Nicole. I found it strange but what surprised was Nicole told Xeon was going to be a father!"

"Then Xeon was shot. I also noticed he was not shot from no one in the area they were all pointing the guns at Chris, Nixon or Darius. My heart stopped when I saw Xeon fell to the floor unmoving, I was about to get up and help him but Nixon rushed to his side before anyone else, it was unusual and weird to see that side of Nixon. Now he had more reasons to kill someone and I prayed it was none of us"

"I figured they did not call an ambulance or took him to the hospital because they were obviously bad people and to avoid future interrogations. But was not expecting Xeon to die or why was there no funeral for him?"

"I don't understand why but I have a gut feeling that there is more to the story."

"Xeon will forever be in our heart" Willow replied.

"Now I must explain what happened between Xavier and I. We did not end the way Darius and Danielle did but we did end our friendship since it's too early to call it a relationship. I called Xavier the day we arrived back to the Miami which was 2 days after that chaotic night. He was grieving but he said he was happy to hear my voice"

"I could not stop smiling that night because while we were on the phone I could hear his son in the background. I was happy that Xavier got his son back but sad because he lost his brother. So finally I gained the courage to ask about Xeon"

"That's when he told me Xeon died on the way to the Nixon's private infirmary and that there will be no funeral but something private with the family. I totally understood him but then he continued saying that he needed some time with his son and to grieve for his brother."

"And that's pretty much it, I told him whenever he was ready, he knew where to find me. to conclude our relationship is on hold."

"My respect goes to Izzy and Xavier!" Willow commented.

"Well, Tammie.... you're the last one to share her story" Danielle stated.

"Alright everyone, sit back and listen!"

"I'm not going to retell the story of the night Xeon died, because all in all we felt the same only difference was that Izzy noticed a lot more stuff than anyone of us. I'm sorry I have not been talking to anyone well except for Kyle"

"What happened to sisters before misters!" Willow retorted.

"Yeah.... well we were not speaking and only Kyle would text or call me every day. So about 3 weeks ago Kyle and I decided to go on a date.... again"

"But this time there was no interruptions and no Nicole. The date ended well, we went to the movies and then to Subway. Kyle brought me back home but as I was about to enter the apartment Kyle asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Awww you guys did get your happy ending!" Danielle exclaimed.

"Maybe we did. And that's pretty much it, I been working my butt off and our relationship is just developing!"

"Yes, our relationship is new. Xeon is dead, Xavier got his son back, Danielle and Darius are moving on, Willow is still growing to become the professional and woman she wants to be! I did not expect to be so close to you guys, I did hope Tammie would've noticed me sooner but then again everything happens for a reason!" Kyle stated.

"It is time we stop grieving for Xeon, I doubt he would want us crying and arguing right now. This trip was not the end but the beginning of many more adventures to come!" Willow commented.

"Willow is right; this is just the beginning. I am leaving soon but I will be back!" Danielle commented.

"And we should spend as much time together because it will be a while before we see each other again!" Izzy replied.

"What do we do know?" Tammie asked.

"You can help me pack and then we can go watch a movie or something," Danielle commented.

"I think that is an excellent idea!" Izzy replied


Nixon sip from his glass of whiskey, Chris was seated across from him doing the same thing. What many do not know that after Xeons death they became very close. Nixon said it was only because he wanted to find his brother killer but has time passed he enjoyed when Chris came by and they would have their afternoon drink.

Xeon is dead, killed by a gunshot. The killer is unknown since the bullet did not belong to any of Chris or Nixon men guns.

"Darius has left the country, your cousin Kyle is now with Tammie Fletcher, Danielle is leaving for Dubai tomorrow, Willow is also dating your brother, Izzy is living her own life. Tell me, Chris.... why do they get their happy ending when we are here trying to find Xeon's murderer?" Nixon stated.

"First of all Darius and Danielle separated on bad terms. The others I'm not sure how they are doing. Do we deserve a happy ending? I think not since we only solve our problems with sin." Chris retorted.

"Your answer does not convince me!" Nixon yelled slamming the glass against his desk spilling all its content.

"I am not convincing you anything but I do believe we get what we deserve!"

"Which is what death?"

"Maybe.... Nixon what are we supposed to do? Chris yelled. Both men failed to notice the dark figure observing them in the room.

"What if the Killer is in front of us? Nixon asked Chris.

"Indeed he is" The anonymous person replied.

Two gunshots, two men, two more deaths to the list.





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